Comprehensive Sexual Education

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Across the country, sexual education classes take on varying forms. Some schools only teach about abstinence, eliminating critical information about student safety and well-being, leaving them at risk for sexually transmitted diseases, unplanned pregnancy, and dating and relationship violence. Others teach comprehensive sex education (CSE), a holistic approach to sex education that gives youth the proper foundation to make the choices right for them. CSE includes the expected content on pregnancy and STD prevention, but it also teaches about violence prevention, healthy relationships, diversity, and self-advocacy. Comprehensive sexual education is the best way to prepare youth not only for a healthy and positive relationship with sexuality …show more content…

Children start to exhibit awareness of their gender by ages 2-3, and many become aware of their sexual orientation as they enter adolescence (The Human Development Teaching & Learning Group, 2020). This shows that identities are not chosen and therefore cannot be changed through education. Queer youth understand they are different from the start, so CSE gives queer-identifying youth the language to describe themselves (Patkin, 2023) and reaffirms cisgender or heterosexual youth in their own identities. Comprehensive sexual education helps all youth by empowering them with accurate and up-to-date information, leaving students affirmed in their identities and equipped to make safe and healthy decisions. Comprehensive sex education teaches youth safe sex practices, which prevents STDs, unwanted pregnancy, and domestic violence. It also teaches youth proper consent, communication, empathy, and conflict-resolution skills. When combined with lessons about diverse sexual and gender identities, queer youth are empowered with proper language and education to communicate their identities, and schools become safer, more accepting

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