Components Of Primary Health Care

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Principles And Components Of Primary Health Care Primary Health Care is crucial or vital care made globally attainable to individuals and families in the community by means they approve to, through their full contribution and at a cost that the community and country can manage. It forms a basic part both of the country’s health system of which it is the core and the inclusive of social and economic evaluation of the community. In other words primary health care targets on providing affordable, attainable and suitable services for the obstructive treatment and management of disease procedure. In 1978, the dispute of public health that is shielding the greatest level of health for the highest number of people formed the agenda for a meeting of public health representatives from 134 countries, universally . It was held in Alma Ata ( A city in the former USSR ) to build new ideas and new mottos in public health. Their focus was to authorize people to have command over decisions that affected their own health, families and communities. Also to reduce inequities. The promising statement for World Health Organization was “ Health for All ” (HFA). The paramount of Primary Health Care was aiding of proper nutrition and an adequate supply of safe water, basic sanitation, child and maternal care, including family planning, immunization against the major infectious diseases, prevention and stabilizing of endemic diseases, education empowerment, conquering health problems and methods of preventing and controlling them, and suitab... ... middle of paper ... systems that focuses on heath equity-producing social policy. (Approx. 2380 words) Reference 1.) Crisp, J., & Taylor, C. ( 2005 ). Fundamentals of Nursing ( 2nd ed. ). Australia: Vaughn Curtis. 2.) Declaration of Alma-Ata, World Health Organisation. Retrieved August 24, 2013 from 3.) McMurray, A. ( 2003 ). Community Health and Wellness: A Socioecological approach ( 2nd ed. ). Austalia Vaughn Curtis. 4.) Stanhope, M., & Lancastor, J. ( 1988 ). Community Health Nursing: Process and practice for promoting health ( 2nd ed. ). United States of America: Mosby.

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