Competition in the Workforce

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The world is growing increasingly competitive, with newer technologies making the earth seem to shrink in size. Now this isn't literally of course but figuratively. Information can be shared faster, and at a fraction of the cost that it used to. Therefore this newer technology has flattened out the world, Thomas L. Friedman stated that “ Every young American today would be wise to think of himself or herself as competing against every young Chinese, Indian, and Brazilian.”. Globalization makes it easier for people to connect and share their ideas. It also makes it easier for people to travel to work and connect with their co workers who may be hundred of miles away. Globalization is bringing the world closer. When competing for a job one may be competing with an Indian or Brazilian and whoever has the most education will get the job. Moreover it isn't local competition anymore it’s now on the global level, whether its offshoring the job or having the employee move. Friedman stated that “…data entry to securities analyst to certain forms of accounting and radiology that were once deemed non tradable are now tradable.”. More and more jobs can easily be off shored to a Chinese, Indian, or Brazilian who is more qualified than an American. Furthermore the likely hood of offshoring is increasing and so is the level of education one needs to have the job they want.
There are three main categories of jobs that will not be, that is cannot exported as described by Friedman. “The first is the specialized people, celebrities and those who have special skills like surgeons. The next are local jobs that require face to face and hands on activity. For example plumbers, dentist, and teachers. Lastly the third category is the largest portion it...

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... he has stated that he already has a job lined up and waiting for him if he meets all the requirements once he finishes high school. Which he is currently doing. He is fulfilling the six survival skills and is making sure he is not offshore-able by making himself a very valuable worker in todays society. The demand for valuable workers is increasing and globalization is making it easier to find the right people to do the job even if they are not even in the same country as the employer.

Works Cited
Friedman, Thomas L. The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005. Print.
Peters, Tom. "Buisness." Business 9 Apr. 2008: n. pag. Web.
Gladwell, Malcolm. Outliers: The Story of Success. New York: Little, Brown, 2008. Print.
Blinder, Alan S. "Will Your Job Be Exported?" American Prospect Nov. 2006: n. pag. Web.

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