Firstly, FDR did not reach the white house the same way that his 5th cousin Teddy did. FDR had campaigned for the Presidency, against the incumbent Herbert Hoover. FDR was a Democrat; and felt that the government needed to do more to help its people. Hoover a Republican; did not believe in direct government intervention. He believed in voluntarism, asking working corporations to voluntarily improve working conditions and wages. In 1932, Roosevelt was elected president. On the other hand, Teddy instead, campaigned for Vice President in 1901, with President William McKinley. He was a Republican, who served as Governor of New York. After the election ended, William McKinley was assassinated in September of 1901. Theodore Roosevelt had been sworn He was a conservative that fought for reforms. He became the first American to receive a Nobel Peace Prize in 1906. He would never say that he was a republican; he shared both democratic and republican values, he represented the people. Teddy was very energetic; he loved reading, thinking and talking. He drove politics by using his personality to get what he wanted accomplished. First, he went after America’s greatest evil, to much power in the hands of corporate America. He felt that the industrialist like JP Morgan held to much power. Teddy took on the industrialist; he sued the Northern Security’s corporation; he wanted to halt the monopolization of the Western Railways. Teddy won his case in the Supreme Court; JP Morgan’s Monopoly was crushed. He reminded everyone that the people controlled affairs in the country. Second, the society was in bad shape; there were no sanitation systems, highways, or social welfare. Most children worked in factories, and sweatshops. Conditions for laborers were horrific, especially in coal mining. Teddy acted by using both sides to come together; they reached a settlement that helped laborers, more than managers. He ended the coal strike in the United States, and made the first major steps to reforming workers conditions; he called his reforms the square deal. Teddy had been the driving force behind the Spanish American War; he wanted America to civilize the rest of the world. He solidified America’s place as a world leader. Next, he built the Panama Canal to protect both seas of America; it was built by Teddy organizing a local revolution, and helped create the nation of Panama in exchange for the right to build a canal. In 1904, he would win the election in the largest popular margin in American history; He promised not to run for a second term. Then, Teddy faced challenges of immigrants who worked in poor conditions on a meat
One of his accomplishments was when he went down in of the United States’ first submarines to show officers and men who were enlisted that he was not going to ask them to try something that he was not willing to try himself. Other successes for President T. Roosevelt was his involvement in the Alaskan-Canadian border dispute and his involvement in the Algeciras Conference – which avoided a war. Roosevelt’s main accomplishments during his second term were the Hepburn Bill, the Pure Food and Drug Act, The Panic of 1907, and creating the first wildlife refuge. Toward the end of his second term, Teddy started thinking about who would be the best fit for the next president. He had it between William Howard Taft and Elihu Root, but in the end thought that Taft would be the best bet and America agreed with him when Taft was up against William Jennings Bryan in the
The Rough Riders were tough and was his first volunteer Calvary. They were sent to fight in Cuba. Roosevelt was very bold and became an extremely popular figure. The Rough Riders charge up Kettle Hill made Theodore the biggest national hero in the Spanish-American War. Theodore’s strong mindset and actions influenced the people around him and helped them, The Rough Riders, win the Spanish-American War.
He experienced life as a rancher which allowed him to relate to the working class citizens of America. He always kept the working classes best interest in mind and was fair to everyone. He was a war hero. He put his foot down and spoke out against political corruption. When it came to foreign and domestic affairs Teddy Roosevelt spoke softly but carried a big stick. He was prepared to use force when necessary but often used persuasion to avoid conflict and keep tranquility in the world. He didn’t let Congress push him around like how he threatened Congress to pass the Meat Inspection and Pure Food and Drug acts. He showed strength and interest in the future by dismantling monopolies, building the Panama Canal, and by preserving land. Teddy Roosevelt kept the average working class American’s best interest in mind and through his toughness he gave America a square
The presidency of Theodore Roosevelt is well known in the general public and his actions still stand strong in our society today. President Trump’s election was a shock to many that thought Hilary Clinton was a shoe-in for the seat. Trump has already made an impact that will likely be remembered for many years to come. Although there are slight differences, President Trump and former President Teddy Roosevelt are alike in many ways. These ways include their backgrounds, their physical uniqueness, their personalities, and their policies. Taking a detailed look at the comparison of two presidents can lead to a more in depth, applicable way of studying history.
The American people began to view Hoover’s ideas of the ideal small government as conservative, while Roosevelt’s progressive policies became the representation of liberalism. Therefore, it can be said that the Great Depression was a major contributing factor in changing the way in which Americans differentiated between liberalist and conservative beliefs. As a result of this shift in America’s perception of these policies, Roosevelt became a liberal in the eyes of the people, whereas Hoover gained the reputation of a conservative. However, these former presidents are noted for occasionally supporting similar policies. The Great Depression hit the United States while Hoover was serving his first and only term as president.
The U.S. president is a person deemed to be the most fitting person to lead this country through thick and thin. It’s been such a successful method that it has led to 43 individual men being put in charge of running this country. However, this doesn’t mean that each one has been good or hasn’t had an issue they couldn’t resolve when in office. But no matter what, each one has left a very unique imprint on the history and evolution of this nation. However when two are compared against one another, some rather surprising similarities may be found. Even better, is what happens when two presidents are compared and they are from the same political party but separated by a large numbers of years between them. In doing this, not only do we see the difference between the two but the interesting evolution of political idea in one party.
Theodore Roosevelt stepped into head of office on September 19, 1901 when President William McKinley was assassinated. He was the youngest man to become president. His motto was “speak softly but carry a big stick.” President Roosevelt would come into power offering America the square deal. He would take the power away from the industrialists as he controlled big business from the White House. He would soon become known as a TrustBuster. Roosevelt used American power for American interests and was quoted as saying, “I am an American first and last. “ Although some historians argue that Roosevelt acted like a six-year-old throughout his presidency and that he didn’t think things through, ie “he thought with his hips”, one can admire the tremendous leadership qualities that Teddy Roosevelt had. First, he was a very bold man who graduated magna cum laude from Harvard. The average citizen was aware of what a “positive, warm and tough, authoritative and funny” president that they had leading them. His leadership qualities stemmed from his time as a New York state Assembly man, a deputy sheriff, a ...
Roosevelt and Wilson were both strong believers in Progressivism. The Progressive movement was time of eliminating corruption and reform. Roosevelt wanted a stronger central government to help the people. He used his position as president as a “bully pulpit”, in that he would influence public opinion through his popularity. Roosevelt often took a more aggressive approach to domestic policy in that he would go against the Old Guard Republicans, whereas Wilson was one to speak directly in front of congress in order to gain their support. Roosevelt became president towards the beginning of the progressive movement, and so he had a harder time trying make reforms than Wilson did. Also, by telling the public that he was only going to run one term, his chances of running for a second term was greatly diminished, which is one of the reasons why Wilson came ahead in the election of 1912. Roosevelt promoted New Nationalism, while Wilson promoted New Freedom. They were very popular presidents in the eyes of the American people. Especially Roosevelt, who liked to vocalize his opinions and open up his private life to them. Throughout the early 1900s, Roosevelt and Wilson both were leaders in the progressive movement, with their own spin on how it should be done. The two presidents altered labor and large businesses, civil rights, and ultimately the role of the federal government.
All in all these two presidents had similar goals. They just achieved them in different ways. Wilson and Roosevelt were idealists who wanted the U.S. to be more active in world affairs. Both were willing to take drastic action to protect the United States. Roosevelt relocated Japanese Americans and enforced trade embargos on European and Asian nations. Wilson cracked down on Germany’s actions during WWI and the breaking of that agreement lead to Wilson declaring war on Germany. These actions have changed our history forever and the worlds. If it weren’t for US entering either war, Germany may have won and the world we know today would be way different.
In 1901 Vice President Theodore Roosevelt took over as President after William McKinley was assassinated. The country had many opportunities ahead but was in need of some changes that the American people were all too ready for. Roosevelt was brought up in a well to do family and had was Harvard educated. But he was known to be a down to earth man that understood the needs of the people. His first priority as president was to give the people a “square deal” which encompassed his plan for the era. He wanted to reduce control the big businesses had over the U.S. economy and the workers, create more protection for the consumer, and create a plan to conserve our natural resources.
Compare and contrast the foreign policies of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. Which do you think was a more effective president? Why?
Historians claim that Hoovers term during the depression was filled with false promises and accuse the president of doing nothing while the depression worsened. Along with worsening the debt and a fairly aggressive use of government it is clear his approach towards the situation was not the best. FDR’s approach would prove during his administration to suffice in the augmentation of the crisis. Although it seemed like a completely opposite presidency, many ideas came from his predecessor. Roosevelt’s team of advisors understood that much of what they produced and fashioned into the New Deal owed its origins to Hoover’s policies.
Both envisioned gradually reforming the international system, both to safeguard America from predatory Old World politics and to put in place laws. Roosevelt was a Republican/Bull Moose Progressive and his progressive agenda was mostly based on a philosophy of a strong Federal government. Thus his initiatives helped to grow the Federal government and increase its authority/power. For example he pushed for more government regulations of business, the food industry, established national parks and forests. He was aggressive with foreign policy, and was willing to use military power/influence in American foreign policy to get his way on certain initiatives such as building the Panama Canal and saying we should "Speak softly and carry a big stick".
Theodore Roosevelt was one of our greatest presidents. He created the FDA and improved the position of the presidency greatly. Before Theodore came to be president, the position of presidency was slow and wasn’t very interesting so he made the executive branch more powerful by starting new reforms and a strong foreign policy. The life of a president is hard. It is full of stress, responsibilities, and a strong dedication the welfare of your country. Theodore had to deal with all of these presidential stresses, taking up much of his time. Do you know, though, that despite being a president, he led a life of excitement and freedom that many other presidents had never before experienced? Theodore, “Teddy” as his first wife Alice called him, Roosevelt was more than just our president, he was a dedicated author who wrote many books; he was also a rancher, and, surprisingly, he was a big time hunter. Even though Theodore Roosevelt was a president, his life was filled with exciting adventure, times of hardships, responsibilities to many, and influences upon many government positions.
President Roosevelt brought the executive branch of the government into power like never before. He is hated to this day by many people. But for the majority of the country during one of our toughest times, he was what we needed. Without consulting history acknowledging that, it’s impossible to judge what he did very negatively. The old ways weren’t working, and while President Hoover tried to do something, it wasn’t enough. President Roosevelt was more successful with the actions he took for relief during the Great Depression.