Personal and Linguistic Intelligence through The Lenses of Garner’s Theory The theory of multiple intelligences was the prominent work of Howard Gardner. He began by contributing to cognitive and behavioral sciences, and later applied the theory in educational environments. He developed this theory on a basis of two assumptions. First, intelligence is a distinct capacity general to all human beings who possess it to a lesser or greater extent. Second, intelligence is a measurable and identical verbal appliance, such as short pencil and answer paper tests. Gardner’s theory requires human beings to consider a much wider and general set of intelligences measured by the verbal methods, standards that depend on a blend of linguistic and logical abilities. In his theory, Gardner holds that there exist seven intelligences namely: musical, personal intelligence that entails intrapersonal and interpersonal, linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, and spatial intelligences. He holds that human beings developed to display different intelligences rather than display a single intelligence that is flexible. In this paper, I will explore the personal linguistic and personal intelligences through personal life experiences. Linguistic Intelligence The linguistic intelligence entails sensitivity to both written and spoken language. Gardner (77) believes that this involves sensitivity to words, sounds, meaning, order, inflections, and metering of words. In addition, the linguistic ability involves rhythms and sensitivity to the various roles of language, such as its stimulation, ability to convince, or convey information to attain specific goals. Linguistic intelligence is used in day-to-day life to persuade people on a given issue o... ... middle of paper ... ... she was temperament, and thus I knew I could get a beating. In my encounters with teens, I always sense when there is a need to play, laugh, or scold them, and this has been my success secret as a motivational speaker. Conclusion Based on the analysis of my intelligence abilities, I have highlighted two types of intelligences, including personal and linguistic abilities, according to Gardner’s assertion. Although I was naturally an outspoken person, my linguistic abilities have been enhanced by hard work. This contradicts Gardner’s theory to some extent because, according to him, intelligence is inborn. However, the theory generally applies to my case because my linguistic intelligence can be measured empirically from my expressions in writing and speech. In addition, my personal intelligence can be measured using my ability to read the mood in any given setting.
Howard Gardner used to define intelligence as “the ability to solve problems or to create products that are valued within one or more cultural settings” (Gardner 33). The modern day human being would most likely include the words “smart” and “dumb” in their definition of intelligence. Gardner questioned the belief of only one intelligence so he created his own theory that involved seven different discoveries. He didn’t want to call these discoveries “skills” or “talents” or gifts” because those all suggested a drawback so he decided on the word “intelligence,” creating his theory of multiple intelligences (Gardner 33). Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences including, linguistic, logical/mathematical, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, intrapersonal and interpersonal, has many implications for modern education and culture.
Linguistic Intelligence is a part of Howard Gardner's multiple intelligence theory that deals with an individual's ability to understand both spoken and written language, as well as their ability to speak and write themselves. In a practical sense, linguistic intelligence is the extent to which an individual can use language, both written and verbal, to achieve goals.[1] In addition to this, high linguistic intelligence has been linked to improved problem solving, as well as to increased abstract reasoning.
Intelligence tests have been developed by scientists as a tool to categorize army recruits or analyze school children. But still discussing what intelligence is, academics have a difficult time defining what intelligence tests should measure. According to the American researcher Thorndike, intelligence is only that what intelligence tests claim it is (Comer, Gould, & Furnham, 2013). Thus, depending on what is being researched in the test and depending on the scientist’s definition of intelligence the meaning of the word intelligence may vary a lot. This essay will discuss what intelligence is in order to be able to understand the intelligence theories and aims of intelligence tests.
Howard Gardner’s theory contains eight main multiple intelligence. As the years have progressed there have taken one out and is left with the main seven. These seven are: Linguistic, Mathematical, Spatial, bodily, Musical, Interpersonal, and Intrapersonal. These are found in everyone; however, each person will excel in one or two. Once teachers can determine what intelligence the students will exceed on and teach to their strengths the student will learn much more.
Whorf and Everett have managed to make convincing claims that associate linguistic developments with cognitive developments. According to their arguments, there is a huge connection between cognitive development and linguistic standards identifiable across different world cultures. Languages therefore integrate perceptions on worldviews and make it possible to address different cultural identities and beliefs.
In the early 80s, the concept of social intelligence resurfaces under the theory of multiple intelligences presented by Howard Gardner in which interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences were included. Interpersonal intelligence was defined as having the ability to understand the feelings of others, whereas intrapersonal intelligence focuses on understanding one’s own emotions (Cartwri... ... middle of paper ... ... onal intelligence "debate".
Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence focuses more on how numerical expressions of human intelligence are not a full and accurate depiction of people’s abilities (McFarlane, 2011). He includes and describes eight intelligences that are based on skills and abilities that are valued within different cultures. The eight intelligences include visual-spatial (e.g. sailor navigating with no navigational systems), verbal-linguistic (e.g. poets, writers, orators, and communicators), bodily-kinesthetic (e.g. dancers, athletes, surgeons, craftspeople), logical-mathematical (e.g. mathematicians and logicians), interpersonal(e.g. salespeople, teachers, clinicians, politicians, and religious leaders), musical (e.g. musicians and
Howard Gardner is the “John H. and Elisabeth A. Hobbs Professor of Cognition and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and Adjunct Professor of Neurology at the Boston University School of Medicine, and Senior Director of Harvard Project Zero” (Gardner bio, Multiple Intelligences and Education, MI Theory, and Project Zero). As director of Project Zero, it provided and environment that Gardner could begin the exploration of human cognition (Multiple Intelligences and Education). Project Zero colleagues have been designing assessment and the use of multiple intelligences (MI) to realize more personalized curriculum, instruction, and teaching methods; and the quality of crossing traditional boundaries between academic disciplines or schools of thought in education (Gardner bio). MI theories offer tools to educators that will allow more people to master learning in an effective way and to help people “achieve their potential at the workplace, in occupations, and in the service of the wider world” (Gardner papers).
Gardner believes that all people excel in at least one category of intelligence. However, he cautions teachers using the multiple intelligence approach in the classroom: “Do not label kids as ‘spatial, but not linguistic’ or, for that...
Gardner’s theory of MI offers an alternative view of intelligence which has measured intelligence based on the results that would predict success in the current educational system. Furham (2009) sums up Gardner’s definition as “the ability to solve problems or to create products that are valued within one or more cultural settings”. This definition suggests that human intelligence is comprised of more than the predictable success in a western school system. Gardner argues that traditional definitions of intelligence and intelligence testing are too narrow and marginalize people who do not fit traditional education system that focuses on visual–spatial, verbal–linguistic, and logical–mathematical intelligences. He supports this with unique cases of idiots savant, who are people with low IQs but excel in skills in areas not measured through tradition IQ tests (Arnett, 2013). MI theory proposes that individual’s intelligence can be differentiated on eight different modalities:
In this paper the writer is going to present an overview of the field of neurolinguistics which is the study of the mental faculties involved in the perception, production, and acquisition of language. In other words, the neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend and produce language.
In 1983, Howard Gardner a Harvard professor proposed the theory that individual can have multiple ways of learning and processing information. The multiple intelligences consist of 9 different ways and these include: verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, existential, musical, naturalistic, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. Every individual has a different amount of each intelligence but each intelligence is at a varying level. With the help of a multiple intelligences assessment, I found that my top three multiple intelligences are Intrapersonal, logical, and interpersonal. Within his research Gardner says that “Intrapersonal intelligence refers to people’s ability to recognize and assess those same characteristics
Schnitzer, Marc L. Toward a neurolinguistic theory of language. Brain & Language. Vol 6(3) 342-361, Nov 1978.
Human cognition is not a prerequisite of being a language, though many may try. Human cognition in comb...
Howard Gardner, a professor at Harvard, introduced his theory of multiple intelligences in 1983. Multiple intelligence’s is a theory about the brain that says human beings are born with single intelligence that cannot be changed, and is measurable by a psychologist. Gardner believes that there are eight different intelligences in humans. The eight are verbal linguistic, visual spatial, bodily kinesthetic, mathematical logic, musical, intrapersonal, interpersonal, and naturalist. Understanding these intelligence’s will help us to design our classroom and curriculum in a way that will appeal to all of our students. We might also be able to curve discipline problems by reaching a student in a different way. One that will make more sense to them and more enjoyable. We can include all of the intelligences in lessons to accommodate all of the students’ different learning styles at once. By reaching each students intelligence we can assume that a student will perform better which, could mean students retaining more important information. A students learning style can also help lead them into a more appropriate career direction. As a teacher you can also learn your own personal learning style or intelligence to help improve the way you learn and teach.