Comparison Of Personal And Linguistic Intelligence

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Personal and Linguistic Intelligence through The Lenses of Garner’s Theory The theory of multiple intelligences was the prominent work of Howard Gardner. He began by contributing to cognitive and behavioral sciences, and later applied the theory in educational environments. He developed this theory on a basis of two assumptions. First, intelligence is a distinct capacity general to all human beings who possess it to a lesser or greater extent. Second, intelligence is a measurable and identical verbal appliance, such as short pencil and answer paper tests. Gardner’s theory requires human beings to consider a much wider and general set of intelligences measured by the verbal methods, standards that depend on a blend of linguistic and logical abilities. In his theory, Gardner holds that there exist seven intelligences namely: musical, personal intelligence that entails intrapersonal and interpersonal, linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, and spatial intelligences. He holds that human beings developed to display different intelligences rather than display a single intelligence that is flexible. In this paper, I will explore the personal linguistic and personal intelligences through personal life experiences. Linguistic Intelligence The linguistic intelligence entails sensitivity to both written and spoken language. Gardner (77) believes that this involves sensitivity to words, sounds, meaning, order, inflections, and metering of words. In addition, the linguistic ability involves rhythms and sensitivity to the various roles of language, such as its stimulation, ability to convince, or convey information to attain specific goals. Linguistic intelligence is used in day-to-day life to persuade people on a given issue o... ... middle of paper ... ... she was temperament, and thus I knew I could get a beating. In my encounters with teens, I always sense when there is a need to play, laugh, or scold them, and this has been my success secret as a motivational speaker. Conclusion Based on the analysis of my intelligence abilities, I have highlighted two types of intelligences, including personal and linguistic abilities, according to Gardner’s assertion. Although I was naturally an outspoken person, my linguistic abilities have been enhanced by hard work. This contradicts Gardner’s theory to some extent because, according to him, intelligence is inborn. However, the theory generally applies to my case because my linguistic intelligence can be measured empirically from my expressions in writing and speech. In addition, my personal intelligence can be measured using my ability to read the mood in any given setting.

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