Comparison Of Flash And Supergirl

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The CW hit shows Flash and Supergirl made headlines last year when it was announced they are going to crossover for a musical episode. For Glee fans, this news couldn't be more exciting... till now. Darren Criss, who portrayed Blaine Anderson in the hit FOX show, has reportedly joined the musical crossover as the villain Music Meister.

In hindsight, this casting isn't too surprising given that Criss is well known for his vocal ability but given that crossovers are pretty rare already, having Melissa Benoist and Grant Gustin together is pretty amazing as it is for a Glee reunion which made this casting come across as unprecedented.

Before being known as the Flash, Grant Gustin played Warbler Sebastian Smythe, who essentially did serve as somewhat of a villain for show. Likewise, Melissa Benoist was known as Marley Rose, AKA the next Rachel Berry, before becoming known now as the charming Supergirl. While both of them were from the same show, they never shared any screen time with each other. Darren, on the other hand, sung with both Gustin and Benoist, though separately. (Check out the performances below!) …show more content…

We have been blown away by his talent over the years and we can’t wait to see what he brings to the Music Meister” in a recent interview that finally gave us this confirmation.

This highly anticipated crossover event will begin on Monday, March 20 on Supergirl and follows up to The Flash on Tuesday, March 21, where the music really

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