Comparison Of Baz Luhrmann's Romeo And Juliet '

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Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare are studied by scholars all around the world for more than 400 years. The play not only impacted the film industry but it also impacted our environment. One of the films that were influenced by Shakespeare, was Baz Luhrmann’s “Romeo + Juliet”. Baz Luhrmann made it his, by twisting it into the modern day, taking place on Verona beach.

I love director’s choice and style. When the movie begins, a fight happens between the Capulets and the Montagues. A fighting scene, in the beginning, is a great choice, because that scene will make the audience understand more about the hatred between the 2 families and also sets up the mood. Another reason why I love his style is the use of transitions. The changes in-between different scenes were elegant and smooth. The director never made the transitions rough or sudden. A choice he made with music also was magnificent, for example, when the nurse and Lady Capulet called Juliet, there was a fast section played by an orchestra and a " rushing" feeling came from the actors and the music. He also made sure that the characteristics of each and every character was presented clearly. …show more content…

Baz Luhrmann’s “Romeo + Juliet” fits some of his time's reference, metaphor, and puns. Shakespeare’s was changed because his words were different from our day to day language and reference. If small bits weren’t changed then the audience of the movie wouldn’t be able to relate and therefore the movie would’ve

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