Comparing and Contrasting Mirandolla and Machiavelli

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This compare and contrast essay will focus on the views of leadership between Mirandolla and Machiavelli. Mirandolla believes that leadership should not be false and that it should follow the rule of reason. He believes that leaders should strive for the heavens and beyond. On the other hand, Machiavelli believed that leadership comes to those who are crafty and forceful. He believed that leaders do not need to be merciful, humane, faithful or religious; they only need to pretend to have all these qualities. Despite both of them being philosophers, they have drastically different views on leadership, partially because of their views on religion are different. Mirandolla was very religious, and Machiavelli was a pragmatist, which means that he was not interested in religion.

Mirandolla’s view is shown through his “Oration on the Dignity of Man”. In it he states that “If you see a man dedicated to his stomach, crawling on the ground; you see a plant and not a man.” It means that someone who lives for the sake of living is not someone suited to become leader. It then goes on to state ...

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