Comparing Themes in The Return of the Native and Great Expectations

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Themes in The Return of the Native and Great Expectations

Classic novels usually share in the aspect of universal themes

which touch people through out the ages. All types of audiences can relate

to and understand these underlying ideas. Victorian novels such as Thomas

Hardy's The Return of the Native and Charles Dickens' Great Expectations

are examples of literary classics that have universal themes. Hardy's tale

illustrates the role of chance in his characters lives. Through the story

we encounter events of pure coincidence and their effects. Dickens,

considered to be more of a reformer (Literature Online), tries to portray a

social theme in his novel. The basic theme of Great Expectations is that

good does not come from ones social standing but rather comes from their

inner value. These novels are considered classics because of their timeless


Thomas Hardy's The Return of the Native displays a theme of chance.

Book First, chapter 8 contains a perfect example. Eustacia persuades young

Johnny Nunsuch into helping her feed a fire. She dismisses him and begins

to walk home. Before reaching home, he is frightened by the light coming

from the heath and returns to discover Wildeve meeting with Eustacia. By

pure chance, Venn discovers the boy and quizzes him.

"Then I came down here, and I was afeard, and I went back; but I didn't

like to speak to her, because of the gentleman, and I came on here again"

[Johnny Nunsuch]

" A gentleman--ah! What did she say to him, my man?" [Diggory Venn]

"Told him she supposed he had not married the other woman because he liked

his old sweetheart best; and things like that" [Johnny Nunsuch]

[Book First, chapter 8, pp. 82]

This chance exchange reveals that Wildeve is meeting with Eustacia. Venn

uses this to his advance by announcing himself to Mrs. Yeobright as a

suitor for Thomasin. This backfires because Mrs. Yeobright tries to use the

second suitor to force Wildeve to marry Thomasin. These events all occur

from the chance meeting between Venn and Johnny Nunsuch. Another example of

chance and coincidence can be seen in the famous gambling scene of Book

Third, chapter VII. This is perhaps one of the most critically examined

parts of the book.

" "Very well," said Wildeve, rising.

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