Comparing The Works Of Susan B. Anthony And Ralph Waldo Emerson

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You must always stay true to yourself. As Ralph Waldo Emerson has said in his poem Self Reliance, “... envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide”. Henry David Thoreau would agree. He wrote in his journal that the reason he lived in the woods for two years two months and two days was because he, “wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life”. They both stayed true to themselves and wrote about their experiences. It’s hard to stay true to yourself these days since most people just follow the tide. Many famous people in history have been known to go against the tide, to see the world in a different way, to stand up for what they believe in. A good example of this could be Susan B Anthony. Just being a woman's rights activist in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s was enough to make Anthony an individualist. Anthony worked hard to fight for women's rights. She founded the National Woman’s Suffrage Association and worked hard to fight for women’s suffrage. Alongside Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Carrie Nation and more women’s rights activists they worked hard to fight for women’s suffrage, temperance and more. …show more content…

Women were supposed to be seen and not heard but she didn’t do that. Anthony went against the tide and fought for what she believed in and stayed true to herself. She didn’t stay at home making food and taking care of children instead she traveled giving speeches around the country on women’s suffrage and other issues. But maybe the biggest thing she did was illegally voting in the 1872 election. It was illegal for women to vote but Anthony took a stand and voted anyways as a political statement. She was caught two weeks later and fined one hundred dollars and never ended up paying. You could see this as stupid or amazing but you have to admit this was a brave thing for her to

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