Comparing The Highwayman And Street Of The Cañon

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The short stories “The Highwayman” and the “Street of the Cañon” are similar in many ways. “The Highwayman” was written by Alfred Noyes, a writer born and raised in the United Kingdom. With his purpose writing the “highwayman” was to display one of his skills at writing narrative poetry and to reminisce with two of his biggest influences. The “Street of the Cañon” was written by Josefina Niggli, who is a Mexican-American novelist born in Mexico. Her purpose for writing “Street of the Cañon” along with the rest of her novels was to try and relate Mexican culture with English readers. Both of these short stories emphasize the love that two characters can have. Even though both the short stories “Street of the Cañon” and “Highwayman” are about …show more content…

Her father, a very wealthy, powerful, and well liked man. The other main character is dashing and flirtatious young man who is from the rival town of Hidalgo, making him unwelcome because of a previous encounter. He is a tall, slender, sly youngster who slowly and peacefully made his way to the party by creeping along the dark streets wearing dark clothing covering his tall and masculine body. The party was for Sarita and her celebrating turning 18. His name Pepe Gonzales. A young man from Hidalgo had deceased while in San Juan and they buried him and when they would not let his bones go back to the people of Hidalgo. They tried to steal them back which caused an uproar between the two towns. Pepe is flirtatious, asking Saritas chaperone to dance with him and again when he asks Sarita if she would walk with him in the square, a traditional symbol of …show more content…

With a main problem that there is a robber or bad guy that is in love with the landlord's daughter. This poem is kind of a tragic romance story because of how that they both end up dying and how she was dying to be able to save him and then he dies because he realizes that he can’t save her and that his life is over. But at the end of the story it kind of has a sweet ending to it with both of them ending up dying they are able to be with each other and it kind of goes along with the storyline of what has happened in the story “Romeo & Juliet” where they had fallen in love but are forbidden to be with each other and they just want to be together. That is the main style that the poem “Highwayman”

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