Comparing The Crystal Structure Of Sio2 And Feo4

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From the research paper, the structure of FePO4 is being studied from a temperature range of 294K to 1073K by neutron powder diffraction. When heated to a higher temperature, both the crystal structure of SiO2 and FePO4 have a higher tendency to undergo a first order transition of the F"# transition as compared to #FFePO4. SiO2 has a space group of P3121 where it has a lattice symmetry of a tetrahedral shape. As for FFePO4, which is mainly found in low temperature, has a space group of P3121 with a tetrahedral structure which is similar to that of SiO2. However, as for #FFePO4, it has a space group of P6422 with an octahedral structure and it is mainly found in high temperature. Comparing all 3 structures, SiO2 has a similar space group and lattice symmetry with FFePO4. …show more content…

This can be illustrated with this alterFbound equation: $%&' + )*' → 2-./'. The transition occurs at 980K where there will be significant changes in bond distances and angles due to the change in the polymorphic form. As the temperature increases, FFePO4 will have a significant increase in cell volume and cell parameters. This is so as the change in volume is controlled by the values of 0 and 1 as a function of temperature. However, the dependency is not linear. Moreover, FFePO4 has greater angular variations and the values of cell parameters and fractional atomic coordinates have a tendency towards the high temperature # phase of FePO4. The degree of distortion of the structure of #FFePO4 is represented by the tetrahedral tilt angle 0=0° and intertetrahedral bridging angle 1 = 154°. Since the values of 1 > 136° and 0 < 22°, it is believed that the F"# transition will not be

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