Comparing The Connections Between The Age Of Exploration, Imperialism, And Industrial Growth

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The Age of Exploration, Imperialism, and Industrial Growth all played a big part in not just European history, but global as well, but How do they all connect? They each connect in many ways, without any of these parts the others would fail to happen. These events are like steps, if you don’t have step one, How can you continue? You can’t, that’s why these pieces all connect in some way.
Imperialism and Industrial Revolution have a very important connection, Industrial Growth makes Imperialism needed (Frontloader). Industrial Growth is the production of products, that are available to sell or trade. Well the more product you create, you need more resources. How do you get the resources? You need Imperialism in order to gain more resources. Imperialism is when a nation expands its power by conquering another land. The more land a nation has the more resources they are able to gather. With all those resources we can sell, trade, or create new products. So, without Industrial Growth, nations may have not gotten the push they needed to imperialize their nation, but without imperialism, there would be a lack of resources and the Industrial Growth would be deeply wounded. The connection between these two parts are extraordinarily important. …show more content…

The Age of exploration led to, and kind of formed, the idea of Imperialism ( Exploration is the act of traveling in or through an unfamiliar land, in order to gain more knowledge of it (Google Dictionary). During the Age of Exploration nations reached lands and societies that previously they did not know about, but when these nations discovered that these lands had resources, they decided to expand their nation a little more. This created the idea of expanding their nation by taking over more land. Imperialism is built on the desire to increase wealth and power ( Exploration made nations want to imperialize

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