Comparing Television Documentaries and Their Gratifications

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Comparing Television Documentaries and Their Gratifications

In this Essay I am going to watch four different documentaries, all

with different topics. I will analyse them and then work out how they

offer gratifications to the audiences. I will write about what affect

they have and why they are used. I watched four different

documentaries with four different topics: Historical (Pirates - The

Golden Age), Mystery (Vanished - The plane that disappeared), Nature

(Blue Planet) and horror / mystery (The Burkitsville Seven). All are

very successful and have many different ways in which they

individually gratify the audience and explain the set topic. First I

will explain about how the documentaries are similar and how they

differ, I will then talk about how they are individual in there own


The Pirates documentary is a documentary based on the lives of pirates

and how they lived when they were most victorious and most feared. The

next I will watch is the horizon documentary - Vanished, this is the

story of how a plane over thirty years ago vanished without a trace.

The third documentary is The Burkitsville Seven - This is the story of

how seven children were mysteriously kidnapped and murdered. The final

documentary is the Blue Planet; this takes us to the bottom of the

ocean never seen before in other documentaries.

All the aspects of each documentary are there for a reason, some may

be there for one point and another might use the same technique but

mean it in a different point of view. A good example of this is the

documentaries narratives. They all have them but some are used in

different ways. All of the documentaries have...

... middle of paper ...

...tes - The Golden Age


This documentary was quite good, I liked the topic and it has many

features that gratified the audience. It is quite good because it

takes you into the lives of the pirates and has more than one story

line; it is though not unique in its story line as it has been done

before but is still very good

The Burkitsville Seven


I think this was the best documentary in the ways that it gratified

the audiences. It is especially good because the producers and

directors would have to work twice as hard because it is a

mockumentary designed for promoting the Blair Witch, the film makers

had to make each piece they used look original and not made up. They

also have an excellent story line, it is very spooky and leaves the

audience in suspense.

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