Comparing Solomon And Oedipus The King

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Solomon marries the princess of Egypt and they live in the city of David while Solomon's palace in Jerusalem is being built. The Israelites, without any permanent temple to God made sacrifices to God on high places. Solomon is a highly religious man, for he obeys God's commandments, and worships him as instructed. He goes to Gibeon and offers 1,000 sacrifices to Yahweh.
One night, the Lord appears to him in a dream, and asks Solomon what he wants in return for being so loyal to him. Solomon asks for the skills of a good leader as many of his other servant have been. The Lord is pleased by this requests and gives him leadership abilities like no other. He also gives him riches, honor, and long life—so long as Solomon obeys his commandments. …show more content…

Solomon is a great host to Sheba, for he gave her everything she asked for from his abundant riches before she returned to her own land. Solomon is very very rich. In one year, he received 666 talents of gold, not including taxes and goods from traders, merchants, the kings of Arabia, and the governors of the land. With all that gold, Solomon made 500 shields and put them in the House of the Forest of Lebanon. He also made a great gold-overlaid ivory throne with two lions standing on each side of the armrests and one lion on each side of the 6 steps leading up to the throne. Even his cups are pure gold. Every three years Solomon's fleets come back from Tharshish full of gold, silver, ivory, apes, and peacocks. Everyone is dying to hear his opinion all the time, and he is constantly sent gifts of gold, silver, clothes, weapons, spices, horses, mules, and much, much more. Solomon amassed 1,400 chariots and 12,000 horses, which he stations strategically throughout Israel. Solomon's traders did a lot of business with Egypt, trading horses and chariots for silver and turning around to sell them to the Hittites and the kings of Aram. But after all the wisdom and all the riches, Solomon wavers and breaks God's commandments. God commanded Solomon not to marry foreign women, because he knew they'd turn him to idolatry, but Solomon could not resist. Solomon loves them so much that he accumulates at least 700 princess-wives and 300 concubines and as he gets older, Solomon's wives turned his heart away from God and toward their gods. Solomon built temples for other Gods. Yahweh gets upset at Solomon and told him that he is going to lose his kingdom because of his betrayal. God waited until Solomon's death to take the kingdom from him so that he could let his son keep one tribe. God needed a situation in order to bring down Solomon’s empire. First there

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