Comparing Racism And Class In Pride, And Prejudice And The Help

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Racism & Class in Pride, and Prejudice and The Help.

Racism and Class are defined as the belief that one racial group is more superior, or one particular race is inferior among others. Racism and Class is a very evident aspect among society. We live and breathe in a society where racial tension will always exist towards certain types of society, and class will always depict who is better. Racism and Class were two very important elements. In The Help, The Jim Crow laws of the 60’s created mass segregation and corruption that plagued society. The corruption fueled the social change of the time period as people were becoming racially hatred and defiant. In Pride & Prejudice, Regency Europe was a time of royalty and wealth and caused …show more content…

In The Help the classes are divided by race. The blacks were the workers and the whites were the owners. In Pride and Prejudice it was based off lower, middle, and upper class. The lower class were the ones with “many children to help support the mother because normally there was no father in charge” (4.12), “The middle class were the busy workers who recieved enough to live comfortably” (4.13), and “Upper class were the land and property owners who y’kno, were lavish” (4.13). The protagonists Elizabeth and Mr Darcy from Pride & Prejudice and. Aibileen, Minny, and Skeeter all belong to certain social classes. Aibileen and Minny from The Help were lower class workers while Skeeter was a middle class white writer. Skeeter had a college degree which is why she belonged to a higher class than the maids. Skeeter was also white so she was seen as more experienced and wiser. Due to Aibileen and Minny being maids, they were just seen as workers despite the fact they were both uneducated and were making the most of the cards they were dealt. On the other hand, Elizabeth and the Bennet family were a middle class white family while The Darcy’s were upper class. The Darcy family were doctors and dental workers while the Bennet’s were labour workers. Segregation was evident even in the thinking process of characters as well. In The Help, the maids worked …show more content…

In society, people tend to make invisible walls for others to follow and obey. In The Help, and Pride and Prejudice there are barriers to the social world that the characters in The Help and Pride and Prejudice both break down. First, in Pride and Prejudice their is the aspect of love. In regency Europe, it was very frowned upon for the upper classes to mate with the lower classes. It was frowned upon because the class tension was so great that reputations mattered, and the upper classes did not want to be seen as less than because it would affect their reputation. This initially, hindered Mr Darcy, but he saw Elizabeth and Fell in love. The twist to the plot is that Elizabeth, looking like an upper class lady, was middle class all along. She had a certain demeanor that made her “attractive and elegant.” (17.12) In The Help, the racial barrier is broken by Skeeter and the maids. Skeeter as mentioned was a white middle class writer who published journal articles. It was frowned upon to talk about racial issues of the time because the society was mainly white and white people did not want their race slandered. 1960s Jacksonville was very prejudice and segregated. Blacks did not hang with whites unless the blacks were working for them. This is the opposite of The Help because Skeeter approached the maids asking to work for them. The

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