Comparing My Reading And Writing Career

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All about me and my reading, writing career,
Without reading and writing, I wouldn’t know as much as I do now. Growing up I always hated to read , I never could remember what I had read. Finally I took my time and whisper read. I started to see a tariffic difference I started remembering what I had read and what the book was about . This felt AMAZING. It felt like I accomplished a lot. It made me happy! It was like doing something you've never done but always wanted to do. I started getting the chills started smiling about what was being read, I started reading more and more! I have always loved to write since i was about 10years old I always had so much fun using my imagination to write or even writing about true things is was always a …show more content…

She had started this thing where each week she would give us five options on what we could write about it could be fiction or nonfiction.Also we got to do writing warm ups where you write down what you did each weekend and then explain the details. TO become a good reader it does take some practice it doesn't matter if you've read things all your life reading can sometimes still be confusing, hard ,and frustrating. Still till this day i'm not sure about some things and I still have to ask questions or read aloud to find out what the answer to my question is ! Sometimes I get really frustrated with reading and stop taking a break, breathe and focus on what I have already read. Some things that still confuse me are pronouncing some words I get stuck on words sometimes , also I still get going and don't read closely and then slowly forget what I had read so then I have to reread it! Sometimes while i'm reading now it calms me down and makes me want to read more often, sometimes I also take awhile to finish a book because I constantly have to stop and reread something i've already read. When I was younger all I read was David Goes To School, Junie B Jones. I would never

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