Comparing Metropolis And Tim Burton's Batman Returns

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Metropolis is a German Expressionism silent film created in 1927 that uses a dystopian society to explore the dangers inherent in capitalism and industrialization. German Expressionism, the film movement of the 1920s, had a massive impact on comic books of the time. No movie exemplifies the influence of German Expressionism on modern comic book movies more than director Tim Burton's Batman Returns.
Metropolis is set in the future where humans are divided into two groups: the thinkers, those who make plans, yet do not know how anything works, and the workers, who achieve goals, yet do not have the vision. Wholly detached, neither group is complete, but together they make a whole. One man from the "thinkers" dares visit the underground where …show more content…

First, the tone that the settings give off are very alike. The appearance and sky line of Batman's Gotham City matches the appearance of Metropolis. Both Gotham City and Metropolis are angular, shadowed and full of tall and dominating buildings. The two cities have a very futuristic look, art deco interiors as well as a smoky atmosphere. Additionally, Metropolis’ city is in daylight but has a dark tone while Burton's Gotham City has this same darkened atmosphere. The lighting employs extreme contrasts of light and dark, thus creating dramatic shadows. Tom Duffield, who was Art Director on several of Burton's films, said there was an intentional connection with Lang's film, saying "the interiors of the Schreck building did have a Metropolis influence". Moreover, Max Schreck’s makeup and hair were heavily influenced by the inventor Rotwang from Metropolis. The mis-en-scene, more specifically the setting’s appearance, special effects, makeup and costume design of Batman Returns were all heavily influenced by the German Expressionist Film

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