Comparing Living Conditions In 'Gaza And The Movie The Giver'

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Although both modern day “Gaza” and the movie “The Giver” are known as dystopian societies, “The Giver” has safer living conditions, is more organized, and less violent making it a society more people enjoy living in.
The dystopian society “The Giver,” has living conditions that are safer for the people than the dystopia Gaza. The people in Gaza are living in a dirty, dangerous, and a detrimental area. To demonstrate their living conditions, “Imagine bringing up children with no access to water, a leaking sewage system, and electricity for barely half the day. Or relying on UNRWA for food parcels to keep your family alive” (Abdullah 3). The people here are constantly starving and suffering due to retaining an insufficient amount of money. Additionally, …show more content…

The unsanitary and harmful state negatively affect the way people in Gaza live each day. With meager resources of food and poor health conditions, surviving is a challenge in the impoverished society. Furthermore, life in “The Giver” involves safe living conditions that meet the needs of its people. Jonas, a twelve year old boy who grew up in this society had the privilege to receive memory from past events that few people there have witnessed. For instance, “I had learned that knowing what something is, is not the same as knowing how something feels” (Koenigsberg). A portion of the memories Jonas received had to do with poverty and illness. Since “The Giver’s” society has felicitous healthcare, sanitation, and a proper amount of food and drinks, the people living there have never experienced events similar to those. The safe living

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