Comparing King Junior's Gettysburg Address And I Have A Dream

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Both, Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address and Martin Luther King Juniors' "I Have a Dream" speech, describe their vision of America. Both of them wanted everybody to be treated equally. They did not want people to be judged by their gender, race, or religion, but they did want people to be judged by their character. However, these speeches are different by whom they were more dedicated to. Lincoln dedicated his Gettysburg Address to those who sacrificed their lives in war to keep America safe and free. Martin Luther King Junior wanted all children to never live in a world where there is segregation and hate. Although Martin Luther King Junior and Abraham Lincoln were from different time periods, they both had similarities and differences in their own visions of America.

Both of those incredible speeches are very similar to one another. First of all, they tell people that they want everybody to be …show more content…

Martin Luther King Junior said, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." They also had differences in their speeches. As you saw above, Lincoln also wanted to dedicate his speech to those who sacrificed their lives in the war to keep America safe and free. He did not want people to have died in service to this country and not get honored for it. Martin Luther King Junior wanted all children to not live in a world where there is segregation and hate. He can not possibly imagine the world where there are segregation and hatred for the rest of his children's lives, or anyone's life. Once again, even though Martin Luther King Junior and Abraham Lincoln were from different time periods, they both had similarities and differences in their own visions of America. Both leaders saw themselves as renewing the American Promise. Taken together, these two speeches made important historical milestones in the future of our

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