Comparing Equality In Ayn Rand's Invictus And Anthem

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A society where people lack individualism and the government has suppressive control, ultimately restrains its citizens. Those who rebel from oppressive authority and redefine themselves are those who remain unconquered. To be unconquered is to be uncontrollable, undefined, and in no form abide by social normality. In the poem, “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley, and the novella Anthem, by Ayn Rand both protagonist, Invictus and Equality portray determination and vigor.
Vigorous is illustrated through Equality and Invictus, as they dauntlessly overcome adversity. Henley exemplifies how Invictus is unconquered, as despite all odds he remains fearless and is determined not to let trepidation suppress him. Even after being stricken of affliction, …show more content…

Invictus has faced adversity and affliction first hand, however neither, have deterred him from succeeding, “I am the master of my fate / I am the captain of my soul” (Henley 15-16). Invictus does not necessarily have control of what happens to him in life, but he can determine the way in which he lives his life. Despite the cruel circumstances he faces, Invictus always returns to faith in himself. With his unconquerable soul, he remains positive and perseveres. He is victorious through his own life as he is persistent amongst all the adversity. Likewise, Equality illustrates a sense of tenacity, as he strives to create a new society. Equality finds the purpose for his existence, not in humanity but in himself and in each individual man, “I am. I think. I will” (Rand 94). Although Equality faced great tribulation, he remains confident in his pursuit for a better life and society. Despite powerful pressure from society to conform, he did not betray the values which he deems important. He accepts damnation from his fellow citizens, rather than surrender to them his light and his mind. Equality did not surrender his creative work no matter the degree or variety of difficulties he encounters. This persistence is a measure of his integrity, he lives by his convictions regardless of the obstacles that confront him. Both Invictus and Equality possess determination as in spite of the difficulty faced, they persisted their goals and

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