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A comparaison between Genesis 1 and Genesis 2
A comparaison between Genesis 1 and Genesis 2
The influence of Genesis
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The Bible which contains about 66 books is the most religious followed book, in the Bible one of these books is the book of Genesis, which deals with creation. It talks in-depth about how man and nature were developed. There is also Theogony which discusses the creation of the gods and goddess. Genesis and Theogony discuss common themes such as the nature of God and gods, respectively and the creation of everything. Although they share many common concepts about creation; they also differ greatly. The creation of earth out of a void by a higher power is a common premise seen in both texts. Monotheism is greatly emphasized in Genesis—God is seen as omniscient, and all-powerful being. Whereas in Theogony polytheism is prominent it emphases many …show more content…
gods; suggesting that one god can’t handle all of mankind needs. In the beginning of Genesis everything is explicitly explained about how God started creating things in the world and from day one to the six days when God created humankind in his “own image”. He made Adam out of dust, and gave him the breath of life to animate him. God then opted to make an aide for man. He appropriated a rib from man and created a woman. Adam then named her Eve. God placed Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden, encouraging them to take pleasure in the world he had created, but forbidding them from taking anything from the tree of knowledge. Adam and Eve lived in blissful ignorance until the Satan disguised as a serpent got ahold of them promising infinite knowledge. Eve reminded the serpent that God told them to stay away from the tree of knowledge. The serpent convinced Eve that God wanted to stop them from being like him “For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil” (Gen 3:5). Eve being convinced about what he told her took a bit of the apple and convinced Adam to do so as well. For what they did, God confronted Adam and Eve and punished them. Not only did God punished then, but he also kicked them out of the garden, and essentially kicked them out of paradise. For being disobedience to God they lost their innocence. With God creating man in his own image and gave us free will, mankind was given the ability to choose between right and wrong. The fall of man allowed us to live the rest of our days away from the interpersonal relationship with God. However, redemption is promised to be found in the seed of women. Satan behavior caused God to put enmity between the serpent and woman “and I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel” (Gen 3:15). The seed is Jesus which gives us a bit foreshadowing. In this scripture, we are promised a redeemer. Someone who will die for our sins. This redeemer is Christ. In later books Christ is put on a cross. On that cross, Jesus heal was bruised causing his death, Christ died on behalf of mankind just like it was told. Though Christ died, he was resurrected three days later. The bruise can be thought of something that is not finalized, and was foreshadowing for his resurrection. Theogony is much like Genesis as they both begin with a creation story; except that Theogony suggest that the Void came first and then soon followed was Earth(Gaea) and Eros the goddess of desire. Then came Darkness and Night. Earth births Sky, whom then in turn breeds the next generation- the Titans. The Titans take control after Cronus cuts out the organs of Sky. In the poem, we see that Cronus has his own children with Rhea and they were called Zeus, Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon. Whom later become known as the Olympians. After their birth, Cronus planned on swallowing his children after hearing that he was destined to be overthrown by one of his sons. Rhea learned about his plan and came up with a counter plan. She gave up her other children, but hid Zeus from Cronus. She did this by wrapped a stone in baby blankets and giving that to Cronus. Cronus falls for the trick. Many years later under the influence of Mother Earth Cronus threw up his children. Zeus then frees his father’s brothers. Remembering what Zeus had done for them he is gifted with thunder, lightning, and flash as a thank you. They additionally made Zeus ruler of gods and men. In another timeline, we are introduced to Prometheus who is in put in chains by Zeus for quarreling with him. We learn that Prometheus is chained because he plays a trick on Zeus. Zeus is not fooled and sees through the deception. He begins planning bad luck on humankind. Because of Prometheus trick Zeus withheld many things from man such as fire. Zeus was then tricked again when Prometheus stole the flames and gave it to mankind. This enraged Zeus and he placed a curse on mankind. He had Hephaestus shape some clay in an image of a woman. The origin of woman is meant to be a plague to men in which they must live with. Hesiod’s Theogony provides another version of the creation story.
Theogony is essentially an adaptation of Genesis. Although they differ in very interesting ways they are also very similar. There is a very strong theme present in both stories and that is the relationship between man and nature. In Genesis, the world was created in six days, the seventh day being used for rest. Each day brought an incredible creation that was valuable to the world. God created man in six days. He makes man in his own image to rule over nature “and God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth” (Gen 1:28). God not only gave man nature, but he also crafted them from the soil of the earth. We see that in Genesis that nature isn’t always good, it proves to be the downfall of humans. As man is thrown from paradise for eating from The Tree of Knowledge. Likewise, in Theology nature is also mans’ greatest asset and downfall. Conversely, in that situation, earth/ nature has a personification in the form of Gia. The Theogony recognizes that without Gia human life would not exist. However, unlike in Genesis nature is not explicitly given to man. In fact, many things are hidden from man. That is why when Prometheus steals fire and gives it to man it is such a momentous deal. Fire is sort of like The Tree of …show more content…
Knowledge as it is something forbidden and in both instances, humankind is punished for taking advantage of nature. An area where Theology and Genesis are unalike is how many deities they have. The Greeks have many gods, and the Hebrews’ have one God. With the multiple gods, there are many conflicts that happen. Genesis’ God is the one and only so he does not have any conflicts, and is intimately involved in mankind. Comparing Eves role in Genesis vs women role in the Theogony we see that in Theogony women are perceived as evil.
In fact, in the poem, women were made as a punishment to man after they accepted fire from Prometheus. Eve’s role and woman’s role in Genesis are to be a helper to man and a way for humankind to continue. Eve is created from man ribs and thus is part of him. When Eve eats from the tree of knowledge and convinces Adam to do so as well they bring down the fall of mankind. God punishes them, and the serpent because knows the blame is not entirely on the two. In Theology, women are the solely the ones to
blame. Both stories end on a different note. The Theogony ending is bleak and pessimistic, we get a sense that Zeus will allow mankind to live out the rest of their days in turmoil. There is no resolution, and no peace of mind. Genesis leaves us on a high note knowing that God has left a redeemer for mankind, and a chance at heaven.
Women were just there to serve their husbands in anyway the men wanted. The first example was in the second creation story God only created man and then realized he needed a helper and then he created a woman with a rib from the man (2). It is saying that women were only really created to help and support men, also its implying that the man helped make the women so he gets control over her. In Genesis 3:16 God says to eve, “your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you,” she ate from the tree so he is punishing her (3). Women were just objects for the men to control, but then in the first creation story God created men and women equally (1). He created them together and to worship the land and populate it. So the two creation stories contradict each other because one the women are equal and in the other story they are completely separate. It gives two different outlooks on the way women were portrayed, but throughout the story they are portrayed more like the second creation story than the
The very creation of women was set as a punishment to man because Prometheus, son of Iapetos, tried to trick Zeus into eating bones and then, with the tube of a fennel, steals fire to give to mankind. Zeus then proclaimed, "To set against the fire I shall give them an affliction in which they will all delight as they embrace their own misfortune." Out of Zeus' anger came Pandora, the first woman. Zeus ordered Hephaestus to mold women from the earth and water, Athene to dress and adorn her, Temptation to give her necklaces of gold, and Hermes to implant a bitch's mind and a thief's temper. Hesiod describes women as a "precipitous trap, more than mankind can manage." Hesiod states, "even so as a bane for mortal men has high-thundering Zeus created women, conspirators in causing difficulty." And thus the first woman was named Pandora, Allgift,-"a calamity for men who live by bread." And so Pandora and all the evils of the world, except Hope, were released into the world by a punishing Zeus. Hesiod explains how formerly the tribes of men lived "remote from ills, without harsh toil and the grievous sickness that are deadly to men." From Pandora descended the female sex, "a great affliction to mortals as they dwell with their husbands- no fit partners for accursed Poverty, but only for Plenty." An analogy is then used to compare women to drones who, according to Hesiod, feed off hard-working bees all day. Hesiod immed...
The symbolic world views of how the world was created can be described through the cosmogonies of Genesis and the Laws of Manu. It is through these theories that one can learn how the universe came into existence. Many individuals consider a certain religion to be their ultimate realm of reality, and it is within religion that these symbolic world views come into play. The cosmogony of Genesis began along a sacred history of time where god created merely by speaking. In contrast, the Laws of Manu involve creation through thought. In Genesis, there is only one god and in Laws of Manu there is more than one god. Both cosmogonies have many similarities as they have many differences, yet both of them are significant in understanding and interpreting the philosophy of religion and its traditions. Although god believes that everything he created is good, I believe that the existence of god is questionable when there is so much evil in the universe.
On the one hand, you have Lilith-the rebellious and murderous women who steals children and seduces men. But on the other hand, you have Eve-the subservient and misguided wife whose actions ultimately lead to the fall of humanity. These two women are polar opposites, but in the end, the actions of both lead to calamity. I think that Plaskow wanted to see women put in a brighter light within Judaism, so she interprets the story so that women are the ones who are in the right, and the men are the misguided ones. She uses a variety of tones through her writing to hit this point
The serpent turns toward Eve and speaks, "Ye shall not surely die: for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." Transfixed by the revelation of all of the benefits of eating from the tree, Eve takes fruit from the tree, eats of it, and gives it to her husband who takes it and eats the fruit. The prostitute likewise steps into the wilderness where Enkidu lives; he is a creature innocent of the world where man dwells. The prostitute, sent by Gilgamesh sits by the drinking-hole waiting for the arrival of Enkidu. When he appears, she strips her body and welcomes his eagerness. There she teaches him her woman's art. Both the prostitute and Eve represent all of womankind.
As human beings, we are designed to belive in something. Although the belief in a higher power or religion is diverse, many theologies share common themes. “The Epic of Gilgamesh” and the Hebrew book of “Genesis” are seemingly polar opposites. Christianity, demonstrated in Genesis, is monotheistic, and the Hebrews base their faith on their relationship with God. On the other hand, Sumerian philosophy, found in Gilgamesh, is polytheistic, and the Sumerian people base their theology on fear. Ancient polytheistic literature forms an archetypical pattern of the mortals trying desperately to please the gods. A mortal’s entire existence rests in the hands of the sometimes childish gods. In spite of this, these two stories
Throughout the world there are various cultures with varying religions and creation stories to explain the creation of the Earth and it’s inhabitants. Of these creation stories two with similar and also different characteristics is the Creation story in the book of Genesis which is a part of the 1st Testament in the Hebrew Bible and explains the creation of Earth and humans, and the Theogony which is the greek creation story that describes the origins of the Earth and the Greek Gods. Both the Theogony and the Creation in Genesis show nature as a blessing for humans but it can also affect them negatively, However the myths differ in the ways that the Earth and humans were created and how humans interact with the deities of the creation stories.
Roman and Greek mythology are filled with multiple interpretations of how the creator, be it the gods or nature, contributed to the birth of the world. These stories draw the backgrounds of the gods and goddesses that govern much of classical mythology. Ovid’s Metamorphoses and Hesiod’s Theogony are two pieces of work that account for how our universe came to be. A comparison of Theogony with Metamorphoses reveals that Hesiod’s creation story portrays the deities as omnipresent, powerful role whose actions triggered the beginning of the universe whereas in Metamorphoses, the deities do not play a significant role; rather the humans are center of the creation. The similarities and differences are evident in the construction of the universe, ages of man, and the creation of men and women on earth.
Theogony, is the personification of things and ideas the ancient Greek, whereas Genesis is conflict between the hu8man like god and the mystical formless god. . Theogony, when compared to Genesis is radically different. Theogony starts from chaos and end up in order. In Genesis, creation is done by command alone. God says "water" and water appears. There is no conflict of interests or bloody battle. Genesis has the pattern of nothing to everything. Theogony has the pattern of chaos and powerful rulers to set order and gods with magical powers who use thought instead of raw power. There is a god of the sun, of wheat and of war. In Genesis there is one god of everything.
In the poem we get the picture that Adam is lamenting for the mistake they have done and specially blames and insults Eve's female nature and wonders why do god ever created her. She begs his forgiveness, and pleads with him not to leave her. She reminds him that the snake tricked her, but she fully accepts the blame for sinning against both God and him. She argues that unity and love c...
Can religions and cultures be anything more than their history? Why do we have a concept of history in the first place? Obviously history exists, but like the human ability to conceive of the future, history seems to be a rare phenomenon tied with our ability for language and the telling of stories. What’s even more fascinating is the human ability to make up a history or to tell a story, such as a creation myth, that seeks to explain something that has not been witnessed by anyone and does not have any role in finding food or creating shelter. We do not have a physical need to know how the earth came to be or to know how it is that we came to be here. Still, creation stories exist in almost all human cultures and, amazingly, many share many of the same elements. The question is, why? Is it a coincidence that so many of them share the same elements? By looking at a comparison of two creation stories, we should be able to understand the meaning of these similarities better.
In our present era, there is no doubt that the evolution of women's rights has come a long way. It is in the Western Culture that these values for which women have fought for generations, are in conflict with Genesis 1-3. The events that occur in this "creation story" are crucial in that it begins when God creates man in his own likeness and man is given domination over all living things. The significance is the prominence given to men; God is male and his most important creation is male. The biblical account underlines the supremacy of man while making it clear that women play an inferior role. Furthermore, the biblical account also describes how woman are disobedient and yield to temptation, the result of which is the expulsion of both Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. In the poem "How Cruel is the Story of Eve", Stevie Smith's castigation towards the biblical story of Eve demonstrates how women have been victims of despair and suffering since the beginning of time. She holds it responsible for cruelty towards women in history, she implies that the values derived from the story of Eve were forced upon women without choice, and finally, she challenges the authenticity of the religious tale on a whole. Without a doubt, women have fallen victim to an untrue, religious tale from the beginning of time, and the poem is an outcry representing the suffering of women throughout history.
The books of the Old Testament, and variations, are recognized by the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths. Each paint women as the temptress responsible for the mistakes of men. Women were the cause of the first punishment given to mankind. Eve persuaded Adam to eat the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge. For this act, inspired by woman, mankind was forever punished and expelled from paradise.
Genesis is the first creation story. God creates, establishes, and puts everything into motion. After putting all of this in motion he then rests. He creates everything on earth in just seven days. Before creation Gods breath was hovering over a formless void. God made earth and all of the living creatures on earth out of nothing. There was not any pre-existent matter out of which the world was produced. Reading Genesis 1 discusses where living creatures came from and how the earth was formed. It’s fascinating to know how the world began and who created it all. In Genesis 1 God is the mighty Lord and has such strong power that he can create and banish whatever he would like. His powers are unlike any others. The beginning was created from one man only, God.
Within the texts of Genesis which belong to the biblical scriptures of the Hebrews, and the myths of Egyptian origin, there are a multitude of similarities and differences. When compared side by side, the most obvious factor of both texts is that a single God was the creator of all that we know today. In Genesis that creator is simply referred to as God, while in Egyptian mythology, the creator is known as Neb-er-tcher. Both creators have striking resemblances, such as the ways they went about the production of the world.