Comparing Conservatism And The Welfare Party

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There are two groups that seem to emerge when the topic of politics are brought up. Those groups are Liberals and Conservatives, these two groups seem to have very different views on how this country should be run. Both groups have their strong points but the differences between what the groups believe are on opposite ends of the spectrum. The definition of Liberalism is incomplete but if you look it up in the dictionary you will find that “in the twentieth century, liberalism is a viewpoint or ideology associated with free political institutions and religious toleration, as well as support for a strong role of government in regulating capitalism and constructing the welfare state” ( According to this weeks reading …show more content…

Conservatives are people that think that the government should be the way it used to be and not have so much to do with the welfare of the people. They believe that the less the government has to do with the people the better off the people will be. Conservatives support the old values which this country was founded on, free from government rule. The difference between Liberalism and Conservatism is that liberals want change to happen and feel it is a good thing to happen. Liberals do not care how fast things are changing just as long as they change for the good. While Conservatives want things to stay as much the old ways as possible the founding fathers ways are the way things should stay. Conservatives want to keep their traditional values in place and if change is to happen they want it to go as slowly as possible to ensure it is the right …show more content…

It seems that the liberalism and conservatism ideologies are like two bulls pulling on opposite sides of a cart going now where. Both groups have the same goal of changing things for the better but different ways of doing so. If you were to watch the news you would see that there are still sick, homeless, and people with to much money. There needs to be a happy medium between the two plans. Instead of giving handouts such as welfare, which creates the problem people abusing the program, but instead providing training programs. This would give the people the chance to make the choice to make the decision and then act upon it themselves. There needs to be a balance between the two ideologies, a little tough love with a little foresight. We as a country need to be proud of the opportunities we have created and not shut out the world around us, but not be so naive about the treats that our country does face. We need to not allow ourselves to sink down to a third world country status, but instead show the third world an example to

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