Comparing Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and Nineteen Eighty-four by George Orwell

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Brave New World by Aldous Huxley has a similar theme as to Nineteen Eighty-four by George Orwell. The theme is that the government has control over their society by brainwashing them. The difference is that Nineteen Eighty-four does their brainwashing by torture and fear and Brave New World does it by making happy by letting them have whatever they want. Brainwashing is persuasion by propaganda or salesmanship (Webster). The controller does exactly that in the book. Most people would probably pick Brave New World to live in over the other novel, but digging deep into the novel we realize this world is not a good one. People might act to be happy, but that’s because the government raises them to think this way before they are even born. Our society also has a bunch of brainwashing going on by our government and companies. Even though this book was written way before our time today, the author was a good predictor to what it might become in the future. I do not think it has got to the extreme point as Brave New World though. Three areas that people are being brainwashed is in the military, advertising, and the news. Brainwashing is done throughout the book of Brave New World to control the society to believe everything is for the best.

Brave New World starts off in a factory of developing humans. The director is walking around a group of people showing them how humans are made. They have changed their society to all be born without parents. People cringe at the words mother and father. They make babies in test tubes and develop them the way they want them to be. The government, which is called the controller, does this so his society does not have any real connections with anyone. They do not want them to experienc...

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...l his people to not fear death and actually to not even care about it at all.

Brainwashing works in Brave New World just like it works in society today. Their brainwashing makes their society not fight back and make them calm all the time. In the end this is the smart way for a government to control their society because everyone thinks they are happy because they have been brainwashed to be. Our society also gets brainwashed everyday. As soon as you turn on the radio or TV the propaganda and lies come rushing through the speakers. Today it is very easy to be brainwashed and the government is going to use this in their advantage someday just like in Brave New World.

Works Cited

Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. New York: Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 2006. Print.

Orwell, George. 1984. Centennial Edition. New York: Plume, 2003. Print.

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