Compare And Contrast Wwii And Modern Day Machine Guns

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Compare/Contrast Essay Template Name:Alex Graves Hour:7
In the news these days, there is talk about banning modern day machine guns, so most people know about them. But what about their WWII counterparts? Modern day machine guns are focused on speed and style. Where WWII machine guns were focused mass production and reliability. Both show the superior engineering of their times, along with the supreme power of weapons, yet there are differences. Both classes of weapons actually had a lot in common. Some common ground in this subject is that both are considered automatic weapons. Automatic weapons fire rounds at a much faster rate than other types of guns, such as bolt or semi-automatic weapons. According to (1), the definition of automatic weapon is “A firearm that reloads itself and keeps firing until the trigger is released. Another thing WWII and modern day machine guns have in common is the way they are loaded with ammunition. Lots of guns have changed from single shot, to bolt action, to lever action, and much more. Machine guns have most …show more content…

One huge difference is the rate of fire in the modern day machine guns compared the the WWII machine guns. According to (3) the rate of fire of the tommy gun from WWII is 600 rounds per minute. That may sound like a lot of bullets going down range, but also according to (3) the rate of fire of a modern day minigun is up to 6,000 rounds per minute. That's 100 bullets going down range in one second. One more large difference in the guns is the maximum range they can be accurate. According to (4) a minigun could be accurate to 1000 yards. When according to (3) a tommy gun only has a accurate range of 150 yards. This shows that modern day machine guns shoot faster and are more accurate than WWII machine

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