Compare And Contrast Us Ally With Great Britain

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France or Great Britain Roy E. Disney once said, “When your values are clear to you, making decisions become easier.” There was plenty of controversy about whether the U.S. should ally with Great Britain or France. The Federalists agreed that they should ally with Great Britain, while the Republicans agreed that they should ally with France. Both sides had good reasons to ally and not to ally with each country. There were many positives and negatives about both countries in general, so reaching the final decision was not easy. On the federalist side, I agree that it would be a smarter decision to ally with Great Britain rather than France. One reason it would be smarter to ally with Great Britain is that the U.S. was very strong trading partners with them. This will help the U.S. grow its economy. In a textbook article titled, “Alexander Hamilton’s Views on Great Britain and France,” it talks about the federalist views on who to ally with. In the text, it states, “...most federalists sided with Great Britain. Some were merchants and shippers whose business depended on trade with America’s former enemy.” This shows that if the U.S. allies with Great Britain, they could grow as a country. As a matter of fact, the U.S. could reach the point where they wouldn’t need to depend on Great Britain in the future. The …show more content…

At the time, the U.S. wasn’t as strong as them, so if they allied with Great Britain, it would work to their advantage. In an article titled, “1783-1815: Government and Politics: Overview,” it states, “When the United States declared war against Great Britain in June 1812, the regular army was still weak and poorly staffed. The lack of military preparedness was a decisive factor in the War of 1812.” This shows that the U.S. was not as strong as Great Britain and it would work to the U.S.’s advantage is they decide to ally with

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