Compare And Contrast To Kill A Mockingbird And The Gift Of The Magi

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In “The Gift of The Magi” and “Blues Ain't no Mockingbird”, both stories characters are poor but have very different thoughts on that matter and different methods of how they live their lifestyle. Their reasons for being poor are also different because in “The Gift of The Magi”, the story is set during the depression and in “Blues Ain’t no Mockingbird”, the family is poor because they are black and during that time there were very strong racial tensions. The characters in both stories are very motivated by their love for each other or their family. In “Gift of the Magi” this is shown through gifts the husband and wife give to each other. In “Blues Ain’t No Mockingbird”, the “Granny and Grandaddy” show love for their family by defending their home from a selfish uncaring production crew who came to film the family and to exploit them. The major evidence in “Gift of the Magi” is when …show more content…

The money was acquired by them selling their most precious items. Dell sold her hair and Jim sold his watch. Unfortunately both of them bought a gift that was supposed to go with one another’s most precious item. Dell bought a watch fob to go with Jim’s pocket watch and Jim bought a tortoiseshell comb for Della's hair. You also must remember that the reason that the gift options were so limited was because they were very poor and didn’t have many expensive things. This may be evident why both chose to sell that one thing was because it was all they had. This act of love is described as selfless love towards someone. One last point that is very important to make is the fact that they both still loved their presents. This is shown when it is said, “but she hugged them to her bosom, and at a length she was able to look up with dim eyes and a smile and say: “My hair grows so fast, Jim!”(464) The next topic is the way love is portrayed in “Blues Ain’t No

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