Compare And Contrast The Shape Of The United States Between 1492 And 1877

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The shape of north America and the United States between 1492 and 1877 could have only been formed through the themes of empire, slavery, capitalism, and democracy. In this paper, I will demonstrate that empire was the most important out of these themes. Empire is the most important theme because with empire there wouldn’t have been a need or any means of having the other themes and empire literally shaped the United States. Empire was the base of numerous events including the total European invasion of the early Native American civilizations, England colonizing the Americas, the American revolution, early 19th century western expansion. Empire is also important because it isn’t just a thing of the past it still impacts the United States …show more content…

For the United States, it must start with the European invasion of Native American tribes in the 16th century. The United States may have not been directly involved with the invasion but this string of events opened the door to the United states becoming a country. If the European countries wouldn’t have all had their various empire related reasons to travel to the Americas the United States wouldn’t have developed in a way even close to the way it did during this time-period. These invasions are also directly linked England was in America to beginning with because they were keeping up with other expanding European nations and expanding themselves. Which lead to colonized the north-east and creating the setting for the colonials to revolt. The American Revolution regardless of its rebellious nature was a quest for real colonial power. They wanted to not physically expand in land but expand their self-governing powers and rid themselves of their absentee landlord of leaders in the British monarchy. After, years of developing as a nation the United States decided that they would follow suit with previous international powers before them and expand. They wouldn’t need to travel far to gain this land so they took it upon themselves to expand west. These events have two things in common, that they directly developed the United States independent of the need of our other themes and have the need for expansion in common leading us back to our historical theme of empire and its shaping of the United

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