Compare And Contrast The Civil Rights Movement And The Feminist Movement

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Both the Civil Rights Movement and the Feminist Movement – (mid-20th century) connected by sharing similar goals, which was to create opportunities for minority groups that were as equal as the majority had. Both movements had to deal with the question of how one goes about pursuing such opportunities successfully; each of the movements benefited from the previous movement that came before. This essay will address the issue within each movement, and how the movements intersect with each other. The Feminist Movement – (liberation movement) was a series of campaigns to bring awareness to, domestic violence, equal pay, women suffrage and much more. These campaigns women fought for in that era is still seen today, one of the more important topics is the gender pay gap – (equal pay). Women are graduating with more degrees than men and still are making less, and yeah women tend to choose lower paying jobs, but there’s still a gap. This movement began on the western part of the world in the late 18th century and will pass through three waves. The first wave was fixed around the middle to the upper white women, which involved suffrage and equality. The goal of the second wave was …show more content…

This movement took place from 1963 to 1968 nearly a decade to secure the rights of others, and yet in modern day we still find that the rights of African-Americans are still not secure. President Johnson takes the civil right movement – (1964) further by signing the voting rights act – (August 6, 1965). The Civil Rights Movement of 1964, banned discrimination on the basis of race, sex, national origin, or religion in public places; while the Civil Rights Movement of 1968, banned discrimination in housing. In the book – (The Race Beat) goes into detail on what actually took place during the civil rights act, and how the feminist movement connects to movements during this

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