Compare And Contrast The Bass And Sheila Mant

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In the story ,The Bass,The River , and Sheila Mant, by W.D Wetherell, Sheila Mant was a selfish person.She demonstrates her selfishness when she was talk to the boy in the canoe she said,”Eric said I have the figure to model, but I thought I should get an education”.In this quote it shows how Sheila is so self obsessed with herself.In another way she’s say i’m beatiful and I shuld be model.Also Sheila Mant was selfish because she wanted to go home with Car the boy said , “ I really remmeber is her coming over to me once the music was done to explain that she would be going home in Eric Caswell’s Corvette”.She was selfish because she came with the boy to the band party in a canoe.But she didn`t want to go home in the canoe.

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