Compare And Contrast People Call Me Crazy And Good Enough

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Dr. Seuss, a children’s book author, said, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” People Call Me Crazy and Good Enough will take you to exciting places and help you know more. Gary Paulsen wrote the short story People Call Me Crazy which is about a boy named Thatcher who is scared of water, but decides to face his fear to save his friend. Good Enough, a story written by Rachel Vail, is about a girl named Dori who feels insecure about what she wears, so she decides to ask for an Orion shirt. People Call Me Crazy and Good Enough have many similarities and differences such as the point of view and the mood that the setting creates. One similarity between Good Enough and People Call Me Crazy is that they both are written in first person point of view. The story People Call Me Crazy is told in first person point of view, through Thatcher’s eyes. For example, Thatcher, the narrator who shares his thoughts and feelings, said, “It wasn’t that I didn’t like the outdoors. It’s just that I hated water” (Paulsen 15). This example proves that first person point of view is used and is important because the reader learned Thatcher’s feelings about water. This example proves that Thatcher does not like the water. It is important to know his thoughts and feelings because it explains why he was so scared to jump in the water to save his friend during the climax. Additionally, the point of view in Good Enough is told in first person, through Dori’s eyes. In support of this, Dori, the main …show more content…

The point of views are alike when comparing the two stories while the mood that the setting creates is different. Dr. Seuss, a children’s book author, said, “You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book.” Two books that are magical are People Call Me Crazy and Good

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