Compare And Contrast Malcolm X And Helen Keller Essay

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Most people would agree that Helen Keller and Malcolm X were two very different people. Most people would also be surprised to find out that the two of them had something very much in common. Both Keller and X had little to no language skills at an early age and their lives changed considerably once they acquired it. Their lives shared such contrast from before and after they acquired language that it gave them something in common.
Keller in her essay “The Day Language Came into My Life” notes many contrasts between her lives before and after she acquired language. Keller even states at the beginning of her essay the “immeasurable contrast between the two lives which it connects” (72). When Keller first met her teacher Anne Mansfield Sullivan she described herself as dumb, expectant, like being at sea in a dense fog. Before language, Keller recalls her fingers lingered unconsciously on familiar objects such as leaves and blossoms. Before Keller met Anne Sullivan, she was not aware words even existed. …show more content…

Both Keller and X started out with little or no language skills and lacked the ability to effectively communicate their feelings or thoughts. A teacher motivated them both to become fascinated with the world of language. For Keller it was Anne Mansfield Sullivan while for X it was simply a dictionary. Once they had acquired language, a completely new world opened up and changed their lives. In her essay “Coming to an Awareness of Language”, Helen Keller states, “It would have been difficult to find a happier child than I was as I lay in my crib at the close of that eventful day…the joys it had brought me, and for the first time longed for a new day to come” (74). Similarly, in Malcolm X’s essay “Coming to an Awareness of Language”, he states, “I never had been so truly free in my life” (69). Their essays reflect many contrasts but many comparisons

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