Compare And Contrast Human Resource Management In Different Countries

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Human Resource Management is different in different countries. In some countries it is according to what the employees want and in some places it is based on what the government or the company wants. Different cultures have different ideologies. This report will compare the Human resource management in two very similar but different countries of Asia (China and Japan)
The report shows how the companies in these countries work, the difference in the working of the employees for the company and individually. Cultural differences lead to a lot of changes that the company makes while recruiting and selecting employees and also the promotion of individuals.
Not only does this show the behavior of the company towards employees or …show more content…

2- They might not have the skills required
3- Experience required is less in comparison to the other people working in a foreign company.
4- Since English is not the first language in China most of the people will not have the English skills for managerial appointment.
5- The names on the recommendation letter can be easily forged.

HRM in China HRM in Japan
Nothing is ever black and white (everything is negotiable) Lifelong Employment
Politics impact on all HRM activities Employees do not quit job after training and development
Change has taken place from command to a market economy Saying in Japanese “the nail that sticks out gets hammered down”
The employees and their interests come after the interests of the political heads. The interests of women, minorities and individuals come second after maintenance of group harmony
Foreign companies set up with less Chinese employees Foreign companies set up with less foreign employees

. Learning new skills overseas is a high motivator for the employees in China. Employees working in state owned enterprise are attracted to foreign firms as the pay is better along with the working conditions and a chance to live and work overseas. The political pressure is less. Mostly the representatives of the communist party were managing the party until recently when the HR managers are required to join the party by

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