High School Compared to College This is my first semester in college and it its completely different than high school in many ways in my opinion. I think that college is going to be a challenge, so I hope i 'm prepared for what 's about to come. The difference between highschool and college is vast. The main ones I have experienced are greater expenses, independence, and overall seriousness of the education. The first difference to discuss is the matter of expense. College Board states that on average college students spend $1,200 every year in textbooks alone (College board). Comparing this to high school where most textbooks are provided for students, the difference is great. Additionally, the spending habits of high school students does not translate well into college. Most students in high school are used to spending money on going out with friends or on hobbies. It is a …show more content…
In college if you don 't put studying and homework as a number one priority than you will struggle. Another thing about homework is that in high school your teachers wouldn 't mind taking late assignments, but in college if you don 't turn in your work on time points will get deducted or it won 't even be accepted. In college you are told to study at least two hours for each class every day, which is way more than in high school. Nevertheless, I believe it to be necessary because my classes are so much tougher than in high school. Another thing that can be said about the seriousness level is the behavior of students in College versus in high school. In my experience, in my high school classes students tended to be way more talkative and disruptive compared to the college classes I am taking right now. I believe this is because students in College all have invested a good amount of money into their education, which leads to them taking it more seriously than high
Picture this. You are heading off to college to begin the next chapter of your life. It is a moment you have always been waiting for. You are past the high school drama, and are ready to start taking classes that will allow you to obtain a degree in something you have always been passionate about. It’s your first week on campus and you are invited to a party being hosted by a group of upper classman. You show up to the party and immediately are handed a red cup with what you know is something you shouldn’t be drinking. You take a sip anyway and soon start talking to that guy in the corner who at first seems friendly, but soon begins to take advantage of you. Just like that everything changes. This is a situation millions of people face every
Also a big point that most students like to attend to high school is because of prom and all the fun activities they do at their senior year. As a college student you stop caring about things like that and start caring more about getting excellent grades at school so you could graduate. now that you have greater responsibilities you would not always have free time as other normal high school student indeed you would most likely have projects or homework during the weekends or during the breaks. But all of us know that we have to leave unnecessary things in order for us to progress
academically. In college you get homework, projects, and papers assigned and no one is going to
So far, the college experience has made me a changed person. College changed me into a better person on many occasions. I have learned to be more responsible, when it comes down to getting work done. In college you must be responsible. I have also changed my attitude. Moving from high school to college is a big step; if you don’t change your ways for the better then you might not be successful in college. When you reach college then is the time that you become an adult.
College is somewhere where all the students keep busy with their work that is assigned and they seem determined to be successful and take their education seriously. There are many differences that I believe are the main points between college English and high school English. For example, the way teachers act in the classroom and towards the students, how the teacher presents the work and homework to the classroom, and just the overall way that the class is taught. The differences about how teachers from college and high school are pretty different, they always know what they are doing that day compared to some English teachers in high school that seem like they have no clue what they are going to teach us on a daily basis. They always tell us to be prepared and to bring all of your necessary utensils to school and be ready to learn but it seems like they should follow thier own rules as well and teach us something that will help us far into the future. I am not trying to make them look bad, but compared to how college professors are organized and know what information they want to teach their students so they can exceed in their academic achievements is totally different from the way high school english teachers present
"Tomorrow is the first day of what I will become." I wrote this in my diary the night before my first day of college. I was anxious as I imagined the stereotypical college room: intellectual students, in-depth discussions about neat stuff, and of course, a casual professor sporting the tweed jacket with leather elbows. I was also ill as I foresaw myself drowning in a murky pool of reading assignments and finals, hearing a deep, depressing voice ask "What can you do with your life?" Since then, I've settled comfortably into the college "scene" and have treated myself to the myth that I'll hear my calling someday, and that my future will introduce itself to me with a hardy handshake. I can't completely rid my conscience from reality, however. My university education and college experience has become a sort of fitful, and sleepless night, in which I have wonderful dreams and ideas, but when I awaken to apply these aspirations, reality sounds as a six thirty alarm and my dreams are forgotten.
One way to compare and contrast high school life and college life is to look at the differences between high school teachers and college professors. High school teachers verbally explain what is expected throughout the duration of the semester. College professors give a syllabus which covers assignments and conduct. Taking class attendance is also done differently. Attendance is expected in high school with parent and administration approving any absences. In college, attendance is expected but students are solely responsible for attending classes. Another way to compare and contrast the two is to look at the teaching styles and methods. High school teachers teach from the textbook giving little if any notes at all. College professors teach lecture style requiring a great deal of note taking.
In high school most teachers will let you turn in your homework late if you give them an excuse such as, "I forgot it at home" or "It's in my locker." In college if you give your professor one of these excuses they will say, "Too bad." There are also a lot more tests in high school. Usually, there is a test every week or two. Although there are more tests, the work is not as hard. Most of the time you will read aloud in class or go over every point of the homework so that there is no question of what you have to do.
Students who make the transition from high school into college have difficulty adjusting because many are not used to being on their own nor their new environment. Entering college, you come to understand that it is not the same as high school. There are crucial differences like the level of academic responsibilities, time management and scheduling, as well as the method of learning. College and high school are different in many ways but they both ultimately share the same goal in teaching students to learn.
Another area that high school and college contrast in is my attentiveness during classes. In high school, the instructors were strict about different classroom policies, mainly the cell phone one. It was prohibited for students to have phones in class due to all the distractions it may cause. I would text in class and drift from the lesson. In College, even though it’s more laid back it requires more attentiveness. I try not to text from time to time. I understand now that this may take part in the down fall of my grades. Eventually, being more attentive during class, and remaining consist with the “study time” days will help improve my grades for the most part.
Expectations are another difference between high school and college. Students are expected by society to graduate from high school, therefore stripping the need for knowledge and replacing it with a need for a diploma. In high school, one is expected to show up on time and is punished if they do not. Some high schools have a room called sweep, or something of that matter, for students that are unable to make it on time and are forced to sit in a chair and stare at a wall. Nevertheless, college expectations are not as strict. In college, students are not expected to graduate, but instead are projected to educate and better themselves with or without a diploma. The reward is a career, and doing what they desire in life.
High school students tend to not take school seriously and usually procrastinate. These students are not mentally prepared to take up college. Early college helps a student become a tad bit more responsible and teaches them that things don’t usually work out in the morning when a big paper is due. Maturity and time management also come with being an early college student. You have to get used to adult and even older people being around you, you have to act a certain way around them than you do in a usual high school class surrounded by your classmates.
When I first enrolled here at State University, I never thought I would ever be in the position to graduate. Finishing college was a huge goal growing up but it was also my biggest fear. But after three and a half years of dedication I plan to get my degree in the fall. Getting this far in college was not easy, it took encouragement from family, dedication, and assistance from others to reach this position.
High school and college are different in many ways. It is true to say that college is more expensive than high school. Of course, it provides a higher level of education, but that expensive fees make it hard for those that come from low income families. At college you also have to buy books where in high school you borrow them from the school. Paying for education can get expensive, but some people pay even more than imaginable. Some cities do not have colleges, so students that want a higher education have to move away to another city where they can get a higher education. This often involves paying for an apartment, food and transportation. However, the cost is not the only thing to consider when comparing high school to college. As college provides a higher level of education, the amount of homework increases. At high school, where it is more of a general education, the time spent at home doing homework is a lot less. This does not mean that in high school, there is no work; it just means that it is a lot easier in some sense. At college you can also choose from subjects related to your field of study if you desired. There are also some differences between the social environment of students at high school and students at college. Since college students have more work to do at home, they have a limit on the time they can spend outside of school.
College is all about studying and obtaining information to prepare students for the real world. I learned an abundance of knowledge all through these four months. Although, my high school did not prepare me for college, mentally and educationally, my professors have taught me the criteria and what to