Compare And Contrast Han China And Tang Dynasties

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The Tang Dynasty ruled from 618 C.E to 907 C.E, after the Tang Dynasty the Song Dynasty ruled from 960 C.E to 1279 C.E. Before the two dynasties existed there was the Han Dynasty. The Han Dynasty started in 206 C.E and ended in 220 C.E. Although the Han Dynasty came to an end some of their structures lived on. The Tang Dynasty was ruled by Emperor Tai-stung after the fall of a barbarous leadership. Similar to the Han Dynasty the Tang Dynasty had a dominant leader. Just like the Han Dynasty the Tang Dynasty cultivated an imperial structure, they a concentrated on assertive political positions. This Dynasty also had ambitious exams, they adjuvant long distance trading, and they were altered by the Confucian philosophy. The exams that the dynasty offered was only qualified for the wealthy people and the Silk road re-opened for trading valuable goods. …show more content…

Zhao Kuangyn become the ruler of the Song Dynasty after he decided to insurgent against his king. Just like the Tang Dynasty and Han Dynasty each one started with ruthless leadership. Compared to the Tang dynasty the Song Dynasty offered civil-service exams to all classes, not just the wealthy. The Song Dynasty also had a cultivating imperial structure, they also concentrated on assertive political positions. But unlike the Tang Dynasty, they practiced Buddhism. The Tang Dynasty later banned buddhism after the later emperors ruled. Although the Tang and Song Dynasties have their own unique ideas, most of the structure of each dynasties originally came from the Han Dynasty (206 C.E- 220 C.E). The Han Dynasty was ruled by an emperor named Liu Bang. Liu Bang Was once a peasant who rebel against Emperor Quin, that is how the Han Dynasty came to be. The authoritative emperors from each dynasty was all once under a rule of another emperor but because of the deplorable leadership, these three men decided to uprise their own

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