Compare And Contrast Grendel And Beowulf

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When reading a book and watching a movie, do you ever notice the differences that take place between the two? The Beowulf textbook version and Beowulf movie version differ in many ways, one being the characters. The movie displays characters as being more descriptive and the textbook as being more adventurous. Beowulf fought more than one creature; however, the events leading to them have total differences. Even events that are not so majorly different between the movie and textbook affect the outcome of particular scenes. The differences between Beowulf movie and Beowulf textbook that make them both interesting are that Wiglaf helped Beowulf fight the dragon; Beowulf fought Grendel, and Beowulf asked for a castle of remembrance.

Wiglaf …show more content…

The cause of Grendel wanted to attack the town was because he didn’t like them having a good time laughing and singing. The effect was Beowulf came to help the town’s king because he had helped Beowulf’s dad long ago. During the textbook fight, Beowulf broke Grendel’s arm off with his bare hands. In the movie, Beowulf was much cleverer and captured Grendel so he could break his arm off with the door. When Grendel arrived to attack in the movie, Beowulf was naked, but in the textbook Beowulf wore a mail shirt at all time to keep him protected. In the movie, Beowulf had a bad dream of an evil woman spirit before Grendel’s appearance.

According to the textbook, Beowulf asked for a castle of remembrance before he died. However, in the movie Beowulf floated off on a boat full of treasure. In addition to, the boat caught on fire and began to sink. In the textbook version, Beowulf died on the san with treasure and told wiglaf how he wanted to be remembered. Also, in the textbook wiglaf poured water onto Beowulf so he could get his last words out. Even when Beowulf was dying he still wanted fame; and for a castle to be made so when someone visited the town they could know his name. Wiglaf stayed loyal to him even when the others were

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