Compare And Contrast Gilman And A Third Person

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Looking at everyday life, people observe the world from the first person, from their eyes. It’s arduous to imagine watching life from an outside perspective, from third person. One can hear others say, “I’d like to be a fly on the wall” when referring to an occasion they are not a part of. From a first person point of view, even if someone is in the same room they don’t always learn everything that’s happening whereas a third person view witnesses everything. The question is raised: why do authors use a first person versus a third person narrative? This paper will discuss two specific examples, “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and “A Good Many is Hard to Find” written by Flannery O’Connor. Strong arguments could be made that a first person narrative shows the feeling of a character, yet neglects that of others and materializes from a biased viewpoint. On the other hand, a third person narrative doesn’t have a skewed viewpoint and covers all events, though doesn’t delve into the feelings of the characters and gives readers a surface level understanding of them. In “The Yellow Wallpaper” Perkins Gilman tells the story of a woman with hysteria whose husband keeps her in a bedroom until he feels she is …show more content…

The events of a family’s road trip to Florida and how the grandmother’s controlling nature accidentally leads the family into life threatening danger with an escaped convict are recounted. Throughout the story, readers get an outside account of the behavior of each character from an unbiased viewpoint but stay with the grandmother the entire time. The gunshots in the trees are heard from where the grandmother is. The narrator doesn’t reveal those events in detail from those characters’ eyes. This helped the story maintain its unbiased view, which was essential in delivering the authors

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