Essay On Factory Farms

608 Words2 Pages

Factory and free range farming have similar goals in that both systems strive to produce meat and other animal products to feed a growing human population. However, there are significant differences between the two and corresponding differences in opinion as to which is the ‘better’. Factory farms for example, have positives and negatives. The same goes for free range farms but which is truly better? I am going to inform you of the terrible amounts of waste that can be caused by the animals in factory farms, the fun, adventurous lives free range animals have, the high cost of free range farm products, and the roofs that keep the animals safe from the elements all in no particular order. One issue in support of the idea that factory farms are not suitable involves the excessive amount of waste that is produced when so many animals are enclosed in such small areas. Factory farms cause an enormous amount of waste. In fact, a peninsula called Delmarva near Washington, United States has 600 million chickens, which together create a whopping 400 tons of manure in a single year. But, that is nothing compared to entire United States’ crazy 61 million tons of animal waste alone in a year. That is 130 times the amount of human waste! According to the Environmental Protection Agency, hog, chicken and cow manure have polluted 35,000 miles of rivers in twenty-two states! The amount of animals bred in factory farms will make these numbers grow dramatically too. …show more content…

The animals will be kept nice and warm due to the walls surrounding the animals. Adding to the walls and roofs, keeping the animals safe, if the animals get a virus the walls and roofs, keeping the animals safe can make it easier for the workers at the factory farms to give them treatments that they might need like various

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