Compare And Contrast Essay About Love And Baseball

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Love and Baseball Baseball requires a great deal of heart. If you don't have heart, you simply cannot play the game of baseball. Baseball is a game where you really have to love the game in order to be successful and enjoy it. Love is almost the same way. If you don't understand how love works or you don't want it then how do you expect to become in love? “To be or not to be—that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And, by opposing, end them” (3.1.64-68). This is when Hamlet loses his mind and cant control his emotions any longer. Baseball and love can also leave you heartbroken and worn down. As an example from Hamlet, he is incredibly frustrated with his situation and wants to fix it. Baseball is all about love and how badly you want to win. Being in love with baseball is the key so success but sometimes it can lave you heartbroken and worthless. “People who are truly in love tend to focus on the …show more content…

You have to remain loyal, honest, reasonable, and flexible. Not many people realize this, but playing a type of sport is like being in a committed relationship. Comparing love and baseball is fairly easy because they relate so much. Love is an amazing thing that can bring so many people together and so can baseball. on the other side, baseball is not love. I know that doesn't really make a lot of sense but just think about it. Hamlet going through all of this is truly because love is running its course. Baseball has the same consequences, just in a different form. Baseball in general terms has been so stunning and incredibly sophisticated which is why it is such an entertaining topic to write about. Love is one of the most complex things you will ever learn about because every human goes through some sort of love or heartbreak in their life and it can cause either happiness or

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