Compare And Contrast Dracula And Modern Vampires

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Everyone has heard of vampires, from the award winning novels and movies Twilight to TV shows such as The Vampire Diaries, Vampires have become a worldwide phenomenon. These books, movies and TV shows have come a long way from the “original vampire” Bram Stocker’s Dracula. Written in 1897, Dracula quickly gained popularity and later became a classic. While some may believe that Bram Stoker would be devastated by the portrayal of sparling vampires that restrain from human blood, both Dracula and modern vampires have their merits. While in modern vampire portrayals vampires are seen as inhumanly attractive, this was not the case in earlier vampire lore. Count Dracula is described as a “tall old man, clean shaven save for a long white mustache, and clad in black from head to foot, without a single speck of color about him anywhere.” …show more content…

The classic of Count Dracula verse the modern of Edward Cullen give us the basic, yet new way of thinking about the ways in which vampires exist and how they behave. Count Dracula is the older version of the two, he allows us as a society to see the comfortable and fearful ways in which he lives; he allows us to be able to distinguish him against the living and allowing us to fear him or be unaware to his even existence. Edward Cullen on the other hand is the newer and hipper version, he allows society to see him as the romantic and mysterious ways in which he lives; he allows us to be unaware that he is different from us, he is the everyday guy with the one exception that he is a vampire. Dracula and Edward give society the knowledge about vampires and allow for formations of different opinions and thoughts; though on fact remains: in modern society, we have tweaked the tale of vampires to fit our needs of romantic gratification, the idea of being immortal, and the need for something, in a way, realistic to fit our

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