Compare And Contrast Anorexia And Bulimia

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Today’s society uses people’s physical characteristics to measure beauty and accomplishment. This causes people to drive their bodies to an extreme to try and attain physical perfection. There are people who want to be accepted by society and will do whatever it takes. Some take the way that causes them to develop eating disorders. The two most common eating disorders are known as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. They are often mixed up with one another because they share many of the same qualities. Even though they are much alike, it is important to understand that each disorder has its own distinct behavior that makes it different from the other. People with either one of these illnesses are not only worried about the opinions of others …show more content…

Even though anorexia and bulimia are not the same disease, they have some of the same sources. The main cause of anorexia and bulimia is the stress society places on having a perfect body. Women are all expected to look like Victoria Secret models with the perfect size waist with perfect weight. They frequently have to compete with not only their own opinions but also with everyone they see daily. Men on the other hand are all expected to look like the professional athletes. They have to be 100 percent pure muscle with no fat visible. Large biceps and a six pack is what everyone is expecting from men. All this pressure builds on its self and then finally those who cannot take it turn to the disorders to try and cope. Trying to reach the high standards fixed by humanity causes anorexics and bulimics to spend large amounts of time preoccupied about their appearance. These disorders may also be caused by several other reasons, including cultural and family pressures, chemical imbalances, emotional and personality disorders, and genetics. People with family histories of eating disorders are more likely to be diagnosed, just like any other illness. “No one for sure knows what causes anorexia, but some experts believe that anorexia is a response to social attitudes that associate beauty with being thin. Bulimia is however, thought to be caused, by social, psychological and biological factors” according to blah. No matter what the cause is for each individual treatment is much

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