Compare And Contrast A Two-Community College Vs University

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There are many students who attend a two-year community college rather than the university. Why should students attend a two-year community college rather than a university first? For one reason, people attend a two-year community college because they are not ready to attend a four-year college and want to wait a little bit longer. Also, the students are quite unsure which colleges or majors that they want to study. Even more, some students have some problems in getting into a university such as; some students in high school who have failed their academic skills, or they have trouble facing the pressure from the university. I believe a two-year community college is the best choice for students to transfer to a four-year college. A two-year …show more content…

For people who attend two-community colleges, they can improve their academic skills. Community colleges can provide students who are unprepared because they had lower scores in high school or on standardized tests such as the ACT or SAT. “Community colleges also give students a chance to improve their grades if they performed poorly in high school and to earn associate degrees before transferring.” (Fortenbury). Students can make their own pace to prepare their next steps toward a university. During some classes at the community college, it can help students who had lower grades in high school by taking prerequisite classes to build on their knowledge, and it provides the opportunity to get transfer credits to the university. According to Meredith Kolodner, “For decades, the ability to earn a college degree has been determined largely by whether a student starts off poorly.” Community college can address this by supplying tutoring and DESP classes; this allows the students to rise to the new academic level. In addition to preparing for their academic success in community college, they also need more financial

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