Communism In North Korea

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There are many different types of political systems in the world today, some good, others not so much. Many countries go through different political systems before they reach a good fit. In this paper I choose to research about a regime that has always interested me, communism. To a lot of people communism holds negative connotations but the history behind this form of governance is one of desperation and revolution. Communism is a socialist movement to create a classless, moneyless, and stateless social order which is structured upon ownership of the means of production, as well as a social, political and economic ideology that aims at the establishment of this social order. (wiki.) Communism first came about as a theory of how to balance the powers between the bourgeois and the proletariat. According to the Marxist theory there are two stages of communism a higher-phase communism and a lower-phase communism. It is suggested that the Higher-phase of communism can only take place when the development of productivity leads to an excessive amount of final goods. This leads to the ability of distribution to the people based on need and social relations. In Marx’s theory of lower-phase communism, which is sometimes referred to as socialism, he suggests that upon the overthrow of capitalism, a new society is established in what he calls a transitional stage in human evolution which will then give rise to a fully communist society. (wiki.) The ideology behind communism isn’t harmful in anyway. In fact the word communism comes from the Latin word communis, which means “shared” or “belongs to all.” This was the main idea behind the communist movement, to share everything and no one has more than the other, for there to be no division in l...

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.... Kim Jong-Il then incorporated the Army-first policy into the Juche.
The true form of communism hasn’t ever really been implemented. But the ideology behind what Marx thought to be communism definitely played a big role in North Korea’s history. Many critics of Communism point out that it can lead to slow or stagnant technological advancement. Some scholars even say that the movement has resulted in famines, purges, warfare that resulted in more deaths than previous capitalist, empires, or other regimes. We don’t know for sure if these theories are true, but we do know that communism is still alive today in some parts of the world, and it doesn’t seem like it’s going anywhere any time soon.

Works Cited

"Communism." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 11 Dec. 2013. Web. 12 Nov. 2013.
Marx, Karl. The Manifesto of the Communists. London: International, 1886. Print.

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