Communism In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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Communism is a dreaded word with a seriously bad connotation, but not many people truly know what it means for a government to be Communist. In theory Communism is a very good idea, if it worked, but, as shown in the book Animal Farm, when put into a real situation the government has always become corrupt and falls apart. After reading Animal Farm and researching the history of Communist Russia it is apparent why Communism could never work and the answer is simple; human nature.
Karl Marx was a German philosopher who originally had the idea to create Communist, or Marxist, society in Soviet Russia, because of this, he was known as “The Father of Communism.” Though Karl Marx first came up with the idea to create a Communist government in Russia, …show more content…

Communism was originally supposed to be instilled in society in three stages. The first was to overthrow the original government, then have a dictator gain absolute power over the country and ensure equality between all the people. The third and final step was to finally achieve utopia and destroy all non-Communists. Though many governments have tried becoming a Communism, but no one has ever succeeded in becoming completely equal. The last step has never been reached in any government, possibly because it isn’t actually possible to be exactly what Marx imagined in any …show more content…

This very well parallels the theory of Animalism in the beginning of the book. Animalism was originally the idea of rebelling against the humans and taking over Manor Farm for themselves whilst creating and entirely animal run government free from all humans and human influence. They must avoid anything resembling or relating to things associated with being a human. Communism, put into the most basic terms possible, is a society in which every member is completely equal with no exceptions, but in both the real world and in the book Animal Farm the perceptions of that idea soon become

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