The Rise and Fall of Communism

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Everyone would like to live in a perfect society, and in Germany, Karl Marx set out to do just that by creating the government system known as Communism. Though, this system has failed in many countries all over the world because of many significant flaws in the very foundation of the system. Some of the most feared probabilities in society that Communism was created to eliminate still prevailed and were at the heart of the system’s downfall. If the system was infallible, why were so many of its principles created out of the fear of rebellion? The living conditions of the people were unbearable and would lead to nothing but rebellion. The whole system was full of corruption and had no moral standards. Communism has failed in many countries due to a variety of flaws.

As a government, Communism was different from anything else and had distinctive goals. Though, as a whole and in simplified terms, what was Communism? Communism violently attempted to take over a country by eliminating all other political systems and the different classes of people in a socialistic way through the use of dictatorships (Ebenstein). Communism’s main goal was to spread Communism from country to country until the whole world was in a Communistic state. In their eyes, this made the world a better place, but it also removed the opposition of countries with different government systems (Overstreet). Communists did not mind going to war and losing thousands of lives if it would help to spread Communism (Communism, the Courts, and the Constitution). Under Communism, everything was owned by the government including farms and factories. This not only eliminated capitalism, but it also gave the government the power to control the countries’ food supply and other...

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...ts have realized their faults and have turned from them, their world will be destined to spiral downward until complete collapse of their counties.

Works Cited

Communism, the Courts, and the Constitution. Ed. Allen Guttmann and Benjamin Ziegler. Boston: D.C. Health and Company, 1964. Print.

Ebenstein, William. “Communism.” The World Book Encyclopedia. 1967 ed. 1967. Print.

Johnson, Ileana. “Why Has Communism Failed?” Orthodox Net Blog. 14 Oct. 2010. Web. 16 Jan. 2014.

Nielsen, Robert. “Why Did Communism Fail? #1 – Dictatorship.” World Press. 11 April. 2013. Web. 16 Jan. 2014.…/why-did-communism-fail-1-dictatorship/.

Overstreet, Harry, and Bonaro Overstreet. What We Must Know about Communism. New York: W. W. Norton and Company Inc., 1958. Print.

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