Commentary on Journeys End

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Commentary on Journeys End

Act two, scene two

I think that when Stanhope asks Sergeant Major for a whisky the

sergeant is quite surprised that Stanhope, being a higher rank than

him, offers the drink to him. I think that the sergeant should be

offering Stanhope a drink, "Sit down have a whisky?" to that sergeant

major replies "(a suspicion of brightness in his voice) thank you,


Also when the sergeant talks about the going over on Thursday, he is

very curious about the tactics that they are going to use if their

"plan A" doesn't work. "When the attack comes, of course, we beat em

off-but what if they keep on attacking?" to this Stanhope replies

"Then we keep beating them off." I think then that the sergeant

definitely thinks that he doesn't have a second plan at all. "If they

don't get through the first day, they'll attack the next day and the


Also when Stanhope talks about his plan and says that they are going

to win the war, the sergeant makes a sarcastic note "(pretending to

make a note) Win the war. Very good, sir"

I feel that when the colonel talks about the raid and doing it in

daylight it is not very sensible to go over at that time of day. I

think this because surely if they go over in the daylight and they can

see the Germans then the Germans are able to see them. "A surprise

daylight raid under smoke screen from the trench-mortar people. I

think daylight best. There's not too much moon now, and it's vitally

important to get hold of a Boche or two."

I think that the colonel is a bit rude and harsh when he talk about

considering trotter for the raid and then just calls him fat. "Well

there's trotter-but he's a bit fat isn't he?"

I also don't think that Stanhope wants Raleighto go in for it as he

does defend him when the colonel suggests he go in for the raid.

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