Commentary on "Hills Like White Elephants," by Ernest Heminway

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In "Hills Like White Elephants," by Ernest Heminway it is easy to sympathize with the woman, to like and admire her more than the man in the short story. In the story the woman's name is "Jig," and the man is being called "the American." Throughout the story Hemingway makes it easier to sympathize with and easier to admire Jig by conveying her likeable traits throughout the conversation being held by her and the American, who is portrayed as very unlikeable.

In Hemingway's short story "Hills Like White Elephants," the story starts with a scene that opens on a railway station in Spain where the Barcelona-to-Madrid express is. The American and Jig, his girl, sit at a table drinking beer. The landscape surrounding the station plays a role into a part of the conversation the American and Jig will have later on in the short story. The landscape is described as the valley of the Ebro River, with long white hills on each side. Jigs remarks about the hills looking like white elephants which is a defined as something that is of a great burden or a possession unwanted by the owner but difficult to dispose of, and is especially of something that is expensive to obtain. This remark starts the conversation that is very serious but is being portrayed by the American as not a big deal. The meaning of the conversation is never just bluntly stated, but through clues and a bit of interpretation it is easy to tell that they are having a conversation about Abortion. The man plays off the conversation as not a big deal and a very easy thing to get done, but Jig knows that, that is not the case, and that there is more to the surgery than what the man knows. Through the conversation, the relationship between Jig and the American can be seen as ...

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...oes not have to, becaues it is her choice. He does not care about Jig enough to even ask what she wants or care that she might actually want the baby, all he wants to do is keep living the way that he is living.

In "Hills Like White Elephants," by Ernest Hemingway the it is easy to sympathize with the woman, to like and admire her more than the man in the short story. Through reading the short story and going through the conversation that Jig and the American have it is easy to say why Jig is more likeable because she is sort of a victim of the American. He is pushing her into having an abortion that she may not want to have to keep their relationship the same, but if she has the abortion the relationship will not be the same anyway. The American is just pushy and selfish and wants only what is best for him, while Jig wants what is best for both of them.

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