Coming And Going: Round-Trip To America By Mark Wyman

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Critique of Coming and Going: Round-Trip to America Mark Wyman, the author of the brief essay known as Coming and Going: Round-Trip to America, had a different perspective about immigration to America from the various counties during the 1880’s through the 1930’s. A common belief, regarding the immigration to America, held that immigrates stayed in America during the massive shift of population, due to the enormous creation of factories and cities that erupted in America. The past day literature entices readers to believe that all immigrates came to America to work and eventually settled down to create their own families. It’s taught that all of these families stayed in America for their entire life span. Although despite the common belief, Wyman held to his own thoughts on the controversial debate and pioneered a new way of thinking. He believed that countless immigrates, which came from all over the world, actually only …show more content…

Wyman quotes a man from Poland and he stated “One had to sweat more during a day (in America) than during a whole week in Poland” (Wyman). The quote that Wyman provided showed exactly how demanding work in America was compared to working in their homeland. Another text called Jurgis Rudkus Discovers drink in The Jungle, describes a man known as Jurgis telling his story about how brutal his work environment was within America. The following is quoted from the essay: He was working in the steaming pit of hell; day after day, week after week- until now there was not an organ of his body that did its work without pain, until the sound of ocean breaks echoes in his head day and night… and from all the unending horror of this there was a respite, a deliverance- he could drink! He could forget the pain, he could slip off the burden: he would see clearly again, he would be master of his brain, of his

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