Coloquy Grog Marketing Plan

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Implement and monitor marketing activities

Assessment Task 2: Project – Plan promotional activities

Summarized marketing plan for Colloquy Grog Shop company:
Colloquy Grog Shop is a unique local bar/coffee/tapas house that provides a friendly, effective place where singles can meet. Colloquy Grog Shop is not your typical bar where people go to meet other singles. Colloquy Grog Shop has a unique service called the structure conversation system that is quite effective for allowing singles to meet each other and provide them with valuable insight into the other person through reflective conversation.

Part A: Develop a marketing strategies briefing and plan a team building activity
1. A brief overview of your company’s Marketing Plan, including …show more content…

Establishing a mutually beneficial relationship will allow both organizations to develop visibility for each other.
- The other form of advertising will be using "grassroots" methods where customers will be given coupons for their friends to try Colloquy Grog Shop for the first time. The coupon will be an economic incentive for the newcomer to try Colloquy Grog Shop. The coupon also has the added force of a referral from a friend. Colloquy Grog Shop’s distribution strategies:
- Colloquy Grog Shoplocated in central Melbourne. This allows entire customer to have their needs satisfied in one convenient location. Colloquy Grog Shopserves men, women and accepts appointments and walk-ins. Colloquy Grog Shopis able to serve the entire family in one quick, convenient visit.

2. A discussion of the marketing strategies in the Plan and the order of priority in which you think theyshould be addressed, as applicable.
 creating a very different product line or service so that the business becomes a class leader in the …show more content…

The Colloquy Grog Shop's positioning will leverage their competitive edge:

 pursuing cost leadership or product differentiation within a specialist market segment:
Selected marketing strategies Priority
establishing strategic relationships with companies that have similar demographics 3
"grassroots" methods coupon for friend 2
Advertising and promotion: 1

3. A discussion of the marketing mix that will be implemented based on the marketing strategies.
Marketing mix To be implemented based on the marketing strategies
Product Espresso, cappuccino, coffee, and other coffee/espresso drinks: coffee and coffee-related drinks.
Price the pricing scheme is based on standard industry practices.
Promotion The shop plan to operated all year promotion, each month will be difference.
Distribution all services and products will be distributed from Colloquy Grog Shop's retail space.

4. A discussion of the resources that are required to implement the marketing strategies, such as personnelinvolved, costs and budgets, equipment if any required and any other resources as

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