Colonialism In Craig Santos Perez's From Unincorporated Territory

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The book “From Unincorporated Territory” [Saina] , by Craig Santos Perez, is an interesting story because it shows how colonialism is the destruction of the author’s culture and identity on his native island Guam. It forced the author’s family and himself to make a drastic change in their life and migrate from Guam to America on an outrigger. After leaving in the year 1995 and not returning until 2008, the author depicts to the audience what has changed due to colonization. My thought on colonialism is firm. That I am confused about it. The reason for my confusion is I believe it is necessary for a certain purpose most people cannot see. Even though know that it is wrong; I know it destroys somewhat the vast majority of the colonized culture but I can’t help to think that the author has a message of that purpose most people cannot see. After reading the book, what I just admitted even to me sounds a little cold hearted, but reading his point of view in this book, it made me realized I’m not too wrong for making such a confession. I believe the author has a hidden message about it. Once I had a gut feeling I wanted to expose that message in my essay. If someone was to ask me, “After reading the book, why do I think the author and the book is unique? I would say: the way the author voiced himself in the book is unique. He voiced himself in a way that I have never read before an any book by using a variety of poetic forms, such as essays, political history, conceptual poems, and memories to have the voice of the oppressed, due to the aftermath he witness before leaving and returning. He has made it clear in this book that he is a firm believer that colonialism is wrong too, but after reading the book further I still question... ... middle of paper ... ... created his own language? Has he not taken what he has learned from colonialism and converted it into who he is today? I see him as someone who has created their own way of doing things. In conclusion, there isn’t another author like Craig Santos Perez; the author’s addresses the idea point by the end of the book that it’s important to embrace recreation. The importance of historical facts, cultural values, and stories from your culture will always be important but is it not set up already to eventually fall and recreate? Perez’s unique writing and unique culture today is a prime example to answer yes to all the questions in this essay. This book did make me believe even more how wrong colonialism is but I still stand by my opinion even though it’s very two sided. I must say for Perez to re-map the way you could look at colonialism is very unique in an author.

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